Alternative for stored procedure versioning (for grouping)

  • I have a question about versioning stored procedures:

    I use sp versioning to group procedures together so I don't have to create branches that affect the performance of the sp (execution plan calculation).

    For database synchronisation, we use Red Gate's SQL-Compare.

    SQL-Compare raises errors when it gets to the versioned stored procedures, and there will most likely be no patch, because stored procedure versioning is 'depricated' (says Red Gate).

    Is this true, and is there an alternative way of grouping stored procedures in SQL Server 2005.

    Regards, Stefan v. Opbergen

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  • I'm not sure what you mean by "grouping".

    I suppose you could group sprocs by putting them in different schemas. For example, if you have a set of HR related sprocs, put them in the HumanResources schema, and so on.

    There are these topics in BOL about hooking up SQL Server 2005 tools to source control (I assume that's what you mean by versioning):

    and here's an article that talks about a quick and dirty way to setup versioning on sprocs. It's not really source control, but it's better than nothing:


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