I really enjoyed writing this post last year and honestly still enjoy reading it myself. And since tomorrow is a holiday for a lot of people (I’m in America so I get to make that assumption) it seemed like a good time to bring it out again. Enjoy!
Originally posted on SQL Studies:
Every morning we have a daily meeting and my manager asks who’s on call. And every morning some form of the following pops into my head.
The new IT manager (Lou) walks into the DBA manager’s office (Bud).
Lou: Hey Bud I’m trying to get a feel for what’s going on in your department.
Bud: Sounds reasonable Lou. But I’ll warn you DBAs are rather strange.
Lou: In what way?
Bud: Well they have rather odd names for one thing.
Lou: Well with a job title of DBA I’m not surprised.
Bud: Ok, so Who’s on call, What’s on instance monitoring and I Don’t Know’s on backups…
Lou: That’s what I want to find out.
Bud: I say Who’s on call, What’s on instance monitoring and I Don’t Know’s on backups…
Lou: Look, are you the manager.
Bud: Of course.
Lou: Then Who’s on call.
Bud: Yes.
Lou: I mean…
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Filed under: Microsoft SQL Server