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Buy on-demand access for Summit 2023 today

Buy your on-demand ticket today to get access to hundreds of high-quality sessions across all 5 tracks at PASS Data Community Summit 2023. It’s a great way of learning at your leisure if you weren’t able to join us in person last year.

On-demand access is available for non-attendees to purchase for $1295. This will grant you access to all session recordings until November 17, 2024. Click here to buy.


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Kickstart the year with our free Livestream! Navigating the database landscape in 2024

The key finding from our annual ‘State Of’ survey is that there’s a need for skill diversification to keep up with the pace of technological advances in IT world.

How will this skills gap affect you?

Whether you’re just starting out in your career, you’re a seasoned data professional or you’re a senior IT leader wanting to stay ahead of business growth, join our free livestream on January 23rd.

Redgaters Steve Jones, Ryan Booz and Beca Parker will introduce key findings from the survey and offer their thoughts on the big changes coming in 2024 and what you can do to thrive in this changing landscape.


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Two-Dimensional Interval Packing Challenge

Packing intervals is a classic SQL task that involves packing groups of intersecting intervals to their respective continuous intervals. In mathematics, an interval is the subset of all values of a given type, e.g., integer numbers, between some low value and some high value.


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Eager Aggregation in SQL queries

Aggregation is a widely used way to summarize the content of a database. It is usually expressed with GROUP BY clause or just using aggregate functions (like COUNT or SUM). When the database engine executes a query with aggregations, it produces individual rows need to compute the required output and then performs the aggregation as (almost) last step. We discuss in this article how to re-write a query manually so that the order of operations will be different and when it can be beneficial.



Simple Talks Episode 7


The season 1, seventh episode of Simple Talks is out. Check it out, with...

A New Word: the McFly effect


the McFly Effect – n. the phenomenon of observing your parents interact with people...

Key mappings in Visual Studio Code


At a recent conference I was asked how I executed code during my presentation....

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By Ryan Booz

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Unstuck

Check sequential order of status of items

By SQL Bee

There is a table tblItems with below structure ( i cannot change the below...

Calling Invoke-Sqlcmd from powershell and passing an object containing a '-'


Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP $AAG REMOVE DATABASE $DB " -ServerInstance $Instance Invoke-Sqlcmd :...

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Question of the Day

Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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