
SQLServerCentral Article

Reattaching Databases - Some Code AND a Contest!

Attaching and detaching databases isn't rocket science, but if you have a lot of databases to attach it's pretty boring. Andy has written some VB code that uses SQL-DMO to speed up the process. But DMO isn't the only way - can you write a TSQL script to do the same thing? Fame and fortune await!

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SQLServerCentral Article

Try the SQL Parser Object to Colorize your SQL!

The SQLParser object - mostly undocumented - gives you an easy way to convert a TSQL string into a colorized RTF string. Andy started with that and wrote some code to change it to HTML. Useful? Never know! Code and demo program included with the article.

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External Article

SQL Server 2000 User-Defined Functions White Paper

The User_Defined_Functions.exe file contains the User-Defined Functions white paper. The User-Defined functions white paper outlines the characteristics of the new user-defined function (UDF) feature that is introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The white paper also summarizes how you can create your own Transact-SQL functions to extend the programmability of Transact-SQL.


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Technical Article

INF: Understanding How to Configure a SQL Server Connection Affinity

In an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment, the connection affinity mask option may provide performance enhancement in high-end, enterprise-level SQL Server environments that are running on computers with 16 or more CPUs. In particular, this option is useful when there are a significant number of network interactions (more than 10,000 per second) between the middle-tier application servers and the back-end SQL Server system.


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SQLServerCentral Article

Data Warehouse Version Management

In most tables it is enough to have a stored procedure that performs Update Else Insert logic for data managment. However, in some cases we do not want to destroy the old data with an update statement. Instead we want to maintain history up to a certain number of versions. This article presents a method for doing so.

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Rebuilding a SQL Server Database Transaction Log


“Could you help me, we deleted the database’s transaction log file and now that...

Copying Content from One Databricks Unity Catalog Catalog to Another


I had a couple of clients who were moving content from development catalogs to...

Dumping and Restoring Azure PostgreSQL Databases


I wanted to test a migration of Azure PostgreSQL from simple to flexible. I...

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Enable a Disabled Index

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Diving Deeper into the Import Extension in Azure Data Studio

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Dead to Me

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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