
SQLServerCentral Article

Information Schema Views

SQL Server DBAs are often curious about the inner-workings of SQL Server. Indeed, it can save your job during disasters to know what's going on inside SQL Server. This article shows you how to use some of the SQL Server internal views to view some meta data about your servers.

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External Article

Beta Nominations for 64bit SQL Server

Currently, Microsoft is accepting nominations for the 64-bit version of the SQL Server beta program, code named "Liberty." The Liberty beta program is slated to start in February 2002. Important: You must have access to 64-bit hardware running Windows LE to participate in the Liberty beta program. This beta does not install on 32-bit hardware. Before signing up for the beta, verify that you have access to the appropriate hardware.


3,229 reads

Technical Article

SQLXML 3.0 Beta

SQLXML 3.0 beta adds new functionality to SQL Server 2000, giving developers the capability to expose stored procedures and XML templates as Web Services. It also includes all the features of SQLXML 1.0 and 2.0.


1,530 reads


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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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