
SQLServerCentral Article

Non-Continous Replicaton and The LogReader

Last year Andy wrote about turning off the log reader as a way to reduce the overhead on a server, primarily when you have many logreaders running. In this follow up article he talks about the downside of using this technique and how the behavior of the logreader can be "tweaked" to make using non-continuous replication a little less of a headache.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQLMatcher Added to Freeware Library

SQLMatcher allows the user to compare Microsoft SQL Server DDL scripts. SQLMatcher is available in two different forms. The standard freeware version has just been made available for download on The professional version is also available for download and purchase.

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Technical Article

RAC v2.0 released

RAC is a native utility for MS Sql Server 2000 designed exclusively for data
manipulation.RAC can perform complex tasks while minimizing the need for complex
sql.RAC offers many computational options and has report writer features.RAC comes with a easy to use gui for novice users.


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Enable a Disabled Index

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Enable a Disabled Index

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Enable a Disabled Index

I have disabled the LoggerCI index on the dbo.Logger table. How do I enable it?

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