There are several reasons why you might need to compare tables or results.
- Sometimes, one just needs to know whether the tables contain data that is the same or different; No details: just yes or no. This is typical with test assertions, where you just need to know whether your routine or batch produces a result with the right data in it. when provided with particular vales for the parameters. It is either wrong or right
- Occasionally, you need to know what rows have changed without, maybe, being particular about which columns changed and how.
- There are times when you have a large table in terms of both columns and rows, and you need something that shows you specifically the column(s) that changed their value. You might also want this when tracking down a bug in a routine that might otherwise require you to wasting time scanning ‘by eye’.
We’ll be tackling these three rather different tasks in SQL
If two tables have a different number of rows, they can’t of course be the same. However, there are times when you need to know whether Table_B contains all the rows of Table_A, without differences. If you wish more detail, you might even wish to know the rows in either table that aren’t in common, or the common rows, as indicated by the primary key, that were different. Why stick at comparing just two tables? There are ways of comparing as many as you need. (as, for example, when you’re comparing the metadata in several database snapshots). Yes, there are many variations
You’ve got tools and features to do this stuff, surely?
There is always a place for tools like SQL Data Compare, TableDiff, tSQLt or Change Data Capture. A lot depends on circumstances and the type of task. The problem of doing audits on changes to data in a live system is a separate topic, as is the synchronization of tables and databases. Comparison of XML documents are also out of scope. We are going to deal purely with the routine comparison of the data in tables
I’m most likely to use TSQL techniques to compare tables when:
In the course of developing a database, a lot of tables get compared. It’s not just the big stuff: Every table-valued function, for example, needs a test harness in the build script that makes sure it does what you think it should do under all conceivable test circumstances, and incorporating all the nasty edge cases where it has been caught by the testers in the past. Every stored procedure needs a test to make sure that the process that it executes does exactly what is intended and nothing else.
There was a time that the build activity was rather leisurely, but when you’ve got a nightly build and integration test, it is best to automate it entirely and be rid of the chore.
When you are automating the loading of data into a system, you often need to test various conditions. Do you need to update existing versions of the rows as well as inserting the new ones? Do you need a trap to prevent duplicate entries, or even delete existing entries?
Setting up the test data.
The scripts in this article all use a table from the venerable PUBS database. We’re going to use the authors table, but will beef up the number of rows a bit to 5000 in order to get a size that is a bit more realistic. I’ve provided the source for the table with the article.
I then created a copy of the table …
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And then altered some of the rows.
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UPDATE authorsCopy SET address=STUFF(address,1,1,'') WHERE au_ID IN ( SELECT TOP 10 au_id FROM authorsCopy f ORDER BY phone) |
So now the two tables should be predominately the same with a few minor changes in the address field
Testing to see if tables are different.
Sometimes you just want to know if tables are the same. An example of this would be checking that a TVF is working properly by comparing its result to that of an existing table with the correct results. The usual way to do this is with the CHECKSUM()
group of functions in SQL Server, because they are very quick.
Using Checksums
You can use the BINARY_CHECKSUM
function to check whether tables are the same: well, roughly the same. It is fast, but it is not perfect, as I’ll demonstrate in a moment. If you have a series of tests, for example it is generally sufficient.
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IF ( SELECT CHECKSUM_AGG(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)) FROM authors)=( SELECT CHECKSUM_AGG(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)) FROM authorsCopy) SELECT 'they are probably the same' ELSE SELECT 'they are different' |
For this to work, your table must not have TEXT, NTEXT, IMAGE or CURSOR
with any of these types) as its base type. Nowadays, this is increasingly rare, but If you have any sort of complication, you can coerce any column with one of the unsupported types into a supported type. In practice, I generally use a routine that checks the metadata and does this automatically, but it isn’t pretty.
In a working version you would probably want to specify the list of columns, especially if you are having to do an explicit coercion of datatypes, or if you are checking just certain columns,
nor its plain sister CHECKSUM()
are completely accurate in telling you if something has changed in a row or table. We’ll show this by looking at the common words of the English language, contained in a table called CommonWords
.. You’d expect them all to have a different checksum, but that’s not the case.
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… giving the result …
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string Checksum ------------------------------ ----------- nerd 426564 nest 426564 oust 426564 reed 475956 stud 475956 sued 475956 ousts 6825011 nests 6825011 nerds 6825011 |
Armed with this information, we can quickly demonstrate that different strings can have the same checksum
1 2 3 |
SELECT BINARY_CHECKSUM('reed the nerd'), BINARY_CHECKSUM('sued the nest'), BINARY_CHECKSUM('stud the oust') |
All these will; have the same checksum, as would …
1 2 3 |
SELECT BINARY_CHECKSUM('accosted guards'), BINARY_CHECKSUM('accorded feasts') |
1 2 3 |
SELECT BINARY_CHECKSUM('This looks very much like the next'), BINARY_CHECKSUM('this looks very much like the next'), BINARY_CHECKSUM('This looks very much like the Next') |
… gives you different checksums like this…
1 2 |
----------- ----------- ----------- -447523377 -447522865 -447654449 |
The sister function CHECKSUM()
1 2 3 4 |
SELECT CHECKSUM('This looks very much like the next'), CHECKSUM('this looks very much like the next'), CHECKSUM('This looks very much like the Next') |
… finds them to be all the same, because it is using the current collation and my collation for the database is case-insensitive. CHECKSUM()
aims to find strings equal in checksum if they are equal in a string comparison.
1 2 |
----------- ----------- ----------- -943581052 -943581052 -943581052 |
So, the best you can say is that there is a strong likelihood that the tables will be the same but if you need to be absolutely certain, then use another algorithm.
If you don’t mind difference in case in text strings, then you can use CHECKSUM()
The great value of this technique is that, once you’ve calculated the checksum that you need, you can store it as a value in the column of a table instead of needing the original table and therefore you can make the whole process even faster, and take less time. If you are storing the checksum value returned by CHECKSUM()
make sure you check against the live table with a checksum generated with the same collation.
Here is a simple example of a ‘what’s changed’ routine.
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--we'll create a 'checksum' table 'on the fly' using a SELECT INTO. SELECT au_ID, BINARY_CHECKSUM(au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, [address], city, [state], zip, [contract]) AS [checksum] INTO auchk FROM authorscopy ORDER BY au_ID /* now we'll put in a constraint just to check that we haven't won the lottery (very unlikely but not completely impossible that we have two rows with the same checksum) */ ALTER TABLE AuChk ADD CONSTRAINT IsItUnique UNIQUE ([checksum]) UPDATE authorscopy SET au_fname='Arthur' WHERE au_ID='327-89-2366' SELECT authorscopy.* FROM authorscopy INNER JOIN AuChk ON authorscopy.au_ID=AuChk.au_ID WHERE [checksum]<>BINARY_CHECKSUM(authorscopy.au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, [address], city, [state], zip, [contract]) |
…which gives…
1 2 3 |
au_id au_lname au_fname phone address city state zip contract ----------- --------- --------- ------------ --------------- ------------- ----- ----- -------- 327-89-2366 Mendoza Arthur 529275-5757 15 Hague Blvd. Little Rock DE 98949 1 |
And then we just tidy up.
1 2 3 |
/* and we just pop it back to what it was, as part of the teardown */ UPDATE authorscopy SET au_fname='Arnold' WHERE au_ID='327-89-2366' |
Of course, you could use a trigger but sometimes you might want just a daily or weekly report of changes without the intrusion of a trigger into a table.
Using XML
One general possibility is to compare the XML version of the two tables, since this does the datatype translation into strings for you. It is slower than the Checksum approach but more reliable.
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IF CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),( SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY au_id FOR XML path, root)) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),( SELECT * FROM authorscopy ORDER BY au_id FOR XMLpath, root)) SELECT 'they are the same' ELSE SELECT 'they are different' |
Here, you can specify the type of comparison by specifying the collation.
or you can do this, comparing data in tables ..
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IF BINARY_CHECKSUM(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),( SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY au_id FOR XML path, root))) = BINARY_CHECKSUM (CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),( SELECT * FROM authorscopy ORDER BY au_id FOR XML path, root))) SELECT 'they are pretty much the same' ELSE SELECT 'they are different' SELECT 'they are different' |
… by calculating a checksum of the XML version of the table. This allows you to store the checksum of the table you are comparing to.
Finding where the differences are in a table
The simplest task is where the tables have an identical number of rows, and an identical table structure. Sometimes you want to know which rows are different, and which are missing. You have, of course, to specify what you mean by ‘the same’, particularly if the two tables have different columns. The method you choose to do the comparison is generally determined by these details.
The UNION ALL … GROUP BY technique
The classic approach to comparing tables is to use a UNION ALL
for the SELECT
statements that include the columns you want to compare, and then GROUP BY
those columns. Obviously, for this to work, there must be a column with unique values in the GROUP BY
, and the primary key is ideal for this. Neither table are allowed duplicates. If they have different numbers of rows, these will show up as differences.
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SELECT DISTINCT au_ID FROM ( SELECT au_ID FROM ( SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract FROM authors UNION ALL SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract FROM authorsCopy) BothOfEm GROUP BY au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract HAVING COUNT(*)<2) f |
If one of the tables has a duplicate, then it will give you a false result, as here, where you have two tables that are very different and the result tells you that they are the same! For this reason, it is a good idea to include the column(s) that constitute the primary key, and only include the rows once!
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SELECT COUNT(*), Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM ( SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM ( VALUES (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableA(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) UNION ALL SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM ( VALUES (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableB(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) )f GROUP BY Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode HAVING COUNT(*)<2 |
… giving …
1 2 3 4 |
TheCount Address_ID TheAddress ThePostCode ----------- ----------- ------------------------- ------------ (0 row(s) affected) |
The technique can be used for comparing more than two tables. You’d just need to UNION ALL
the tables you need to compare and change the HAVING
clause to filter just the rows that aren’t in all the tables.
You can now use the much cleaner and slightly faster EXCEPT
1 2 3 |
SELECT * from authors EXCEPT SELECT * from authorsCopy |
This shows all the rows in authors that are not found in authorsCopy. If they are the same, it would return no rows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
au_id au_lname au_fname phone address city state zip contract ----------- ----------- --------- ------------ -------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- -------- 041-76-1076 Sosa Sonja 000-198-8753 29 Second Avenue Omaha CT 23243 0 187-42-2491 Mc Connell Trenton 0003090766 279 Hague Way San Diego NY 94940 1 220-43-7067 Fox Judith 000-137-9418 269 East Hague Street Richmond VA 55027 0 505-28-2848 Hardy Mitchell 001-2479822 73 Green Milton Drive Norfolk WA 69949 1 697-84-0401 Montes Leanne 000-018-0454 441 East Oak Parkway San Antonio MD 38169 1 727-35-9948 Long Jonathon 000-8761152 280 Nobel Avenue Anchorage LA NULL 1 875-54-8676 Stone Keisha 000-107-1947 763 White Fabien Way Fremont ND 08520 0 884-64-5876 Keller Steven 000-2787554 45 White Nobel Boulevard Milwaukee NY 29108 1 886-75-9197 Ellis Marie 001032-5109 35 East Second Boulevard Chicago IL 32390 1 975-80-3567 Salazar Johanna 001-028-0716 17 New Boulevard Jackson ND 71625 0 (10 row(s) affected) |
I’m only using SELECT * to keep things simple for the article. You’d normally itemize all the columns you want to compare.
This will only work for tables with the same number of rows because, if authors had extra rows, it would still say that they were different since the rows in Authors that weren’t in authorsCopy would be returned. This is because EXCEPT
returns any distinct values from the query to the left of the EXCEPT
operand that are not also found from the query on the right
This, hopefully shows what I mean
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SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM (VALUES (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableA(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) EXCEPT SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode from (VALUES (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableB(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) |
…yields …
1 2 3 4 |
Address_ID TheAddress ThePostCode ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------- (0 row(s) affected) |
…whereas …
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM (VALUES (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (8, '''The Pippins'', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK','NE29 7AD'), (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableB(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) EXCEPT SELECT Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode FROM (VALUES (9, '929 Augustine lane, Staple Hill Ward South Gloucestershire UK','BS16 4LL'), (10, '45 Bradfield road, Parwich Derbyshire UK','DE6 1QN') ) TableA(Address_ID,TheAddress,ThePostCode) |
..results in …
1 2 3 4 5 |
Address_ID TheAddress ThePostCode ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 8 'The Pippins', 20 Gloucester Pl, Chirton Ward, Tyne & Wear UK NE29 7AD (1 row(s) affected) |
This feature of EXCEPT
could be used to advantage if you particularly wish to check that TableA
is contained within TableB
. So where the tables have a different number of rows you can still compare them.
You might not want to compare all columns. You should always specify those columns you wish to compare to determine ‘sameness’. If you only wanted to compare the Address for example, you’d use …
1 2 3 |
SELECT address FROM authors EXCEPT SELECT address FROM authorsCopy |
The Outer Join technique
There is also the technique of the outer join. This is a more general technique that give you additional facilities. If, for example, you use the full outer join then you can get the unmatched rows in either table. This gives you a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view of alterations in the data. It is used more generally in synchronisation to tell you what rows to delete, insert and update.
We’ll just use the technique to get the altered rows in authorsCopy
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SELECT authors.au_id, authors.au_lname, authors.au_fname,, authors.address,, authors.state,, authors.contract FROM authors LEFT OUTER JOIN authorsCopy ON authors.au_ID = AuthorsCopy.au_ID AND authors.au_lname =authorsCopy.au_lname AND authors.au_fname =authorsCopy.au_fname AND AND COALESCE(authors.address,'')=COALESCE(authorsCopy.address,'') AND COALESCE(,'') =COALESCE(,'') AND COALESCE(authors.state,'') =COALESCE(authorsCopy.state,'') AND COALESCE(,'') =COALESCE(,'') AND authors.contract =authorsCopy.contract WHERE authorsCopy.au_ID IS NULL |
As you can see, there are difficulties with null columns with this approach, but it is as fast as the others and it gives you rather more versatility for your comparisons.
Locating the differences between tables
You may need a quick way of seeing what column and row has changed. A very ingenious way of doing this was published recently. It used XML. ‘Compare Tables And Report The Differences By Using Xml To Pivot The Data’ (editor’s note: link deprecated). It is clever, but too slow. The same thing can be done purely in SQL. Basically, you perform a column by column comparison of data based on the primary key, using a key/value pair. If you do the entire table at once it is rather slow: The best trick is to do this only on those rows where you know there is a difference.
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DECLARE @temp TABLE(au_id VARCHAR(11) PRIMARY KEY) /*this holds the primary keys of rows that have changed */ INSERT INTO @Temp(au_ID) --determine which rows have changed SELECT au_ID FROM --use the EXCEPT technique qhich is the quickest in our tests ( SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, [address], city, state, zip, [contract] FROM authors EXCEPT SELECT au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract FROM authorsCopy )f--now we just SELECT those columns that have changed SELECT lefthand.au_id,,lefthand.value AS original,Righthand.value AS changed FROM (--now we just lay out the two tables as key value pairs, using the string versions of the data SELECT authors.au_id, 'au_lname' AS 'name',au_lname AS 'value' FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'au_fname' AS 'name',au_fname AS 'value' FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'phone',phone FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'address',address FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'City' AS 'name',City AS 'value' FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'State',state FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'zip',zip FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id UNION SELECT authors.au_id, 'contract',CONVERT(CHAR(1),contract) FROM authors INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authors.au_id) LeftHand INNER JOIN ( SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'au_lname' AS 'name',au_lname AS 'value' FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'au_fname',au_fname FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'phone',phone FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'address',address FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'City' AS 'name',City AS 'value' FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'State',state FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'zip',zip FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id UNION SELECT authorsCopy.au_id, 'contract',CONVERT(CHAR(1),contract) FROM authorsCopy INNER JOIN @Temp altered ON altered.au_id=authorsCopy.au_id) rightHand ON lefthand.au_ID=righthand.au_ID AND WHERE lefthand.value<>righthand.value |
in our example, this would give:
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au_id name original changed ----------- -------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ 041-76-1076 address 29 Second Avenue 9 Second Avenue 187-42-2491 address 279 Hague Way 79 Hague Way 220-43-7067 address 269 East Hague Street 69 East Hague Street 505-28-2848 address 73 Green Milton Drive 3 Green Milton Drive 697-84-0401 address 441 East Oak Parkway 41 East Oak Parkway 727-35-9948 address 280 Nobel Avenue 80 Nobel Avenue 875-54-8676 address 763 White Fabien Way 63 White Fabien Way 884-64-5876 address 45 White Nobel Boulevard 5 White Nobel Boulevard 886-75-9197 address 35 East Second Boulevard 5 East Second Boulevard 975-80-3567 address 17 New Boulevard 7 New Boulevard |
This technique rotates the rows of the tables that have differences into an Entity-attribute-value (EAV) table so that differences within a row can be compared and displayed. It does this rotation by UNION
ing the name and string-value of each column. This technique works best where there are not a large number of differences.
There is no single ideal method of comparing the data in tables or results. One of a number of techniques will be the most relevant for any particular task. It is all down to precisely the answers you need and the type of task. Do you need a quick check that a table hasn’t changed, or do you need to know precisely what the changes are? SQL is naturally fast at doing this task and comparisons of tables and results is a familiar task to many database developers.
If there is a general rule, I’d say that exploratory or ad-hoc work needs a tool such as SQL Data Compare, whereas a routine process within the database requires a hand-cut SQL technique.
The source to the table, and the insert-statements to fill it to 5000 rows is in the link below.