July 26, 2012 at 2:49 am
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. I was looking for help to make query. I am trying to compare data between two years with following query
Select [Business Unit], Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) Month
From Vw_Kharafi Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2010
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
and I issue same query for year 2011. Now situation is that may be some moth records may be available in First query and not available in second query and vice-verse. So is there any way that we can make query in such a way that months which not available in any of the query we can add those rows with month and business unit with NULL value in other fields.
July 26, 2012 at 2:57 am
Welcome to SSC.
Thanks for the query that will help us sortly in hopefully answering your question.
But first could you please take a look through the second link in my signature on posting code and data for the best help?
With that information, we will be able to create a test environment to generate scripts which will work for you.
July 26, 2012 at 3:14 am
How about this: I haven't tested it myself because there's no test data supplied π
Select [Business Unit],
Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) [Month]
,'2010' AS [Year]
From Vw_Kharafi
Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2010
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
--Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
CTE_2011 AS
Select [Business Unit],
Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) [Month]
,'2011' AS [Year]
From Vw_Kharafi
Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2011
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
--Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
ISNULL(YR2010.[Year],'2010') as [Year],
ISNULL(YR2010.[Month],YR2011.[Month]) as [Month] ,
[Business Unit],
[Total No Of Tenders],
[Lowest & Yet to be],
[Result Pending]
FROM CTE_2010 YR2010
ON YR2010.[Month] = YR2011.[Month]
ISNULL(YR2011.[Year],'2010') as [Year],
ISNULL(YR2011.[Month],YR2010.[Month]) as [Month] ,
[Business Unit],
[Total No Of Tenders],
[Lowest & Yet to be],
[Result Pending]
FROM CTE_2011 YR2011
ON YR2011.[Month] = YR2010.[Month]
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]
July 26, 2012 at 3:17 am
laurie-789651 (7/26/2012)
How about this: I haven't tested it myself because there's no test data supplied π
Select [Business Unit],
Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) [Month]
,'2010' AS [Year]
From Vw_Kharafi
Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2010
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
--Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
CTE_2011 AS
Select [Business Unit],
Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) [Month]
,'2011' AS [Year]
From Vw_Kharafi
Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2011
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
--Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
ISNULL(YR2010.[Year],'2010') as [Year],
ISNULL(YR2010.[Month],YR2011.[Month]) as [Month] ,
[Business Unit],
[Total No Of Tenders],
[Lowest & Yet to be],
[Result Pending]
FROM CTE_2010 YR2010
ON YR2010.[Month] = YR2011.[Month]
ISNULL(YR2011.[Year],'2010') as [Year],
ISNULL(YR2011.[Month],YR2010.[Month]) as [Month] ,
[Business Unit],
[Total No Of Tenders],
[Lowest & Yet to be],
[Result Pending]
FROM CTE_2011 YR2011
ON YR2011.[Month] = YR2010.[Month]
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]
Please note, this is a SQL 2000 forum.
July 26, 2012 at 3:22 am
Good point...
July 26, 2012 at 3:27 am
laurie-789651 (7/26/2012)
Good point...
Wait a sec, the OP mentioned SQL Server 2008 R2.. nevermind π
July 26, 2012 at 3:31 am
milindsaraswala (7/26/2012)
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2. I was looking for help to make query. I am trying to compare data between two years with following query
Select [Business Unit], Count([Business Unit]) [Total No Of Tenders],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Won],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lowest & Yet to be],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] != 'L1' AND [Submitted Status] != 'Awarded' AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Lost],
Sum(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then 1 Else 0 End) [Result Pending]
,CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) Month
From Vw_Kharafi Where --[Business Unit] IN (@BusinessUnit) AND
CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) = 2010
Group By [Business Unit],CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120)
Order By CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 100) + CONVERT(CHAR(4), [Submitted Date], 120) as Date)
and I issue same query for year 2011. Now situation is that may be some moth records may be available in First query and not available in second query and vice-verse. So is there any way that we can make query in such a way that months which not available in any of the query we can add those rows with month and business unit with NULL value in other fields.
Let's see if we can do something about performance along the way.
The WHERE clause is non-SARGable - it can't make use of an index.
Often pre-aggregation can make this type of crosstab query run considerably faster.
Try this query, see if it produces the same result as yours, then we'll go to the next step...
;WITH PreAggregate AS (
[Business Unit],
--[CountBusinessUnit] = COUNT([Business Unit]),
[Rows] = COUNT(*),
[Submitted Status],
FROM Vw_Kharafi
[Year] = DATENAME(YEAR,[Submitted Date]), -- year as string
[Month] = DATENAME(MONTH,[Submitted Date]) -- 'July'
) x
WHERE [Submitted Date] >= '20100101' AND [Submitted Date] < '20110101'
GROUP BY [Business Unit], x.[Year], x.[Month], [Submitted Status]
[Business Unit],
--[CountBusinessUnit] = SUM([CountBusinessUnit]),
[Won]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lowest & Yet to be] = SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lost]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] NOT IN ('L1','Awarded') AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Result Pending]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
FROM PreAggregate
GROUP BY [Business Unit], [Year], [Month]
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]
Edit: corrected an error in the code.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
July 26, 2012 at 3:54 am
It is not generating as I need. I am here putting my table structure with data
[Proposal No] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Tender No] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Owner / Client] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Main Contract] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Country] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Operations] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Business Unit] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Offer Category] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Behalf Of] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Tender Status] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[ITB Received Date] [datetime] NULL,
[Submitted Date] [datetime] NULL,
[Reference No.] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Quoted Amount] [float] NULL,
[Submitted Status] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[Contract Awarded Date] [datetime] NULL,
[Remarks] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Other] [nvarchar](255) NULL
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10143', NULL, N'MAC MALI', N'MAK', N'MODERNIZATION AND EXPANSION OF BAMAKO-SENOU AIRPORT, MALI', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 374668, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10309', N'T-FM-32-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE FOR MOSQUES AND EID PRAYER AREAS IN AL AIN', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 205873, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10205', NULL, N'GASCO', N'TECNIMONT', N'HABSHAN 5 PROJECT - HVAC WORKS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D97015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10206/RRG/014/10/L', 2293000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10224', N'RFP/2149', N'KOC', N'KN', N'MAINTENANCE OF THE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM IN SOUTH & EAST KUWAIT AND EXPORT, MARINE & AHMADI AREAS AT KOC', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D89015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DBE015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 2557200, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10268', N'T-FM- 24/2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'INITIAL REPAIR FOR MEP SYSTEMS IN MULTI STORIES PARKINGS IN ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DD5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10268/GI/059/10/L', 1443000, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10311', N'CA/CSPD/0013', N'KNPC', N'DAEWOO', N'ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING OF THE NORTH LPG TANK FARM PROJECT (NLTF) AT MAA REFINERY', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E67015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10311/RS/023/11/L', 46652.8224, N'LOST', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10291', NULL, NULL, NULL, N'UPTOWN CAIRO PROJECT - ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS PKG # 20 (A)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 156957, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10279', N'3-2009/2010', N'MPW', N'AHMADIAH', N'KUWAIT NATIONAL GUARD HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DC7015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E38015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/A6/10278/REP/037/10/L', 72381, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10372', N'MNE/04/2010', N'PIC', N'KN', N'MAINTENANCE & CLEANING OF MEDIUM & LOW PRESSURE VESSELS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009E44015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 253549.38312, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10231', NULL, N'ARWA REAL ESTATE CO.', N'KN', N'O & M SERVICES FOR ARWA PRINTING PRESS AT SABHAN', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB7015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107F/A6/10231/CF/048/10', 66220, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10274', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS FOR THE O & M OF CAR GARAGES AT BAYAN PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, N'9173/LTR/RZ/009/2010', 5872500, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10220', N'RFP/2136', N'KOC', N'MAK', N'NEW AHMADI HOSPITAL & RESIDENTIAL BUILDING', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D7F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DD4015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10220/NHS/026/10/L', 1870924, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10212', NULL, N'SCADIA, ABU DHABI INTL. AIRPORT', N'CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION / KN', N'EXPANSION OF THE ABU DHABI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WBS: - MIDFIELD TERMINAL BUILDING - STRUCTURAL STEEL', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D75015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5872500, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10135', NULL, N'ALDAR', N'KN', N'CARRY OUT WITNESSING OF COMMISSIONING AND TESTING OF MEP SYSTEM AND CONDUCT CONDITION SURVEY OF ALDAR PROPERTIES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D3C015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10135/GI/005/10/L', 984864, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10325', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'500MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT DAMIETTA (4 UNITS - DSCS)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'COMBINED IN 10282', 3171000, N'L9', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10121', N'18/2008-2009', N'PAYS', N'KC', N'SHEIKH SAAD AL-ABDALLAH AL-SALEM AL-SABAH INDOOR SPORTS HALLS COMPLEX AT SABAH AL-SALEM DISTRICT FOR BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL FEDERATIONS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D0A015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D59015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10121/RRG/008/10/L', 11500000, N'L1', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10331', NULL, N'MUBADALA', N'KN', N'TFM OF SOWWAH ISLAND FINANCIAL DISTRICT BUILDINGS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', NULL, NULL, NULL, 143074.1235, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10156', N'MEW/32/2008-2009', N'MEW', N'HITACHI ZOSEN', N'DESIGN & BUILD OF THE AZ-ZOUR NORTH COMBINED CYCLE POWER AND WATER PLANT WITH O & M SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D34015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D73015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10156/JVS/255/10/EM', 60732689, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10332', N'T-FM-45-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'ELECTROMECHANICAL MAINTENANCE AND MINOR ANCILLARY WORKS FOR SCHOOLS (11 DIFFERENT PACKAGES) IN THE EMIRATES OF ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E38015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10332/GI/091/10/L', 450780, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10360', N'T-FM-57-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'RENOVATION WORKS AT FAMILY DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION - AL MIRFA', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E45015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 503207, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10210', NULL, N'JV ARADY PROPERTIES PJSC & IMUM', N'KN', N'FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OF MAWAQIF OFFICE AND CAR PARKS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D6C015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D7B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10210/GI/027/10/L', 3204564, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10359', N'PTT/1001/2010-2011', N'MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS', N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE BUILDINGS AND SYSTEMS OF THE LIBERATION TOWER', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E35015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E58015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 283021, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10144', NULL, N'EGYPTIAN TOURISM FEDERATION', N'KN', N'EGYPTIAN TRAINING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (ETCE) INFRASTRUCTURE PACKAGE', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D46015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 393504, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10300', NULL, N'MPW', N'KN', N'EMERGENCY WORK FOR MISHREF PUMPING STATION', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'CANCELLED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1117339, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10241', N'FM-T081-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'CIVIL MAINTENANCE OF 7 UNDERGROUND PARKING FOR DOT - ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB3015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 183287, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10321', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'500MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT EL SHABAB (8 UNITS - EPC)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'COMBINED IN 10282', 888000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10124', N'71/2009-2010', N'MOI', N'KN', N'SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF (18) THERMAL / DAYLIGHT / DISTANCE DETERMINING LASER CAMERAS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D1C015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D4E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'DIRECT MOI', 25552187, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10238', N'D-11617', N'ADDC', N'KN', N'POWER SUPPLY TO IZBAS AND FARMS IN EASTERN REGION', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DBE015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10238/EP/091-10', 183287, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10293', NULL, N'Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company', N'KN', N'PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS @ ADMA-OPCO & ADGAS HQ BLDG-AD', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DEA015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 1634533, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10209', NULL, N'AL DHAFRA AIRBASE', N'KN', N'FIT-OUT AND TFM OF AL DHAFRA AIR BASE AMENITIES FACILITY', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D6A015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D82015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10209/GI/029/10/L', 361837.392, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10230', N'SE/95', N'MPW', N'MAK', N'KUWAIT SEWERAGE IMPROVEMENT, PHASE VIII - PART (B) AL FIRDOUS, NORTH ARDIYA AND ARDIYA 2 - STREET LIGHTING WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D89015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB9015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10230/REP/024/10/L', 5878332.859, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10205', NULL, N'GASCO', N'TECNIMONT', N'HABSHAN 5 PROJECT - HVAC WORKS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DAC015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10206/REP/020/10/L', 31292344, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10337', N'PA/AFA/72/2008-2009', N'PAAET', N'RECAFCO', N'CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETION & MAINTENANCE OF ADMINISTRATION, EDUCATIONAL & STUDENTS SERVICE BUILDING, SHUWAIKH CAMPUS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E0E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/A6/10337/REP/037/10/L', 871121, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10314', N'CS-ITT-10027/4', N'GASCO', N'PETROFAC', N'HABSHAN SULPHUR HANDLING & PIPELINES WORKS (MECHANICAL, STRUCTURAL, ELEC. & INST. WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DF1015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4987862.05, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10107', N'-', N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'EXTENSION OF 300, 400W AT SIEF PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'HOLD', CAST(0x00009CF5015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 14682867, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10147', NULL, N'MUBADALA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PJSC', N'ACC / BOUYGUES', N'THE NEW STADIUM, ABU DHABI (MEP WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D2E015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D90015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10174/EP/073-10', 48596622.864, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10276', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'CIVIL & ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS FOR CLINIC AT BAYAN PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE2015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7160/AH/A3-005-10', 8080000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10278', N'3-2009/2010', N'MPW', N'MAK', N'KUWAIT NATIONAL GUARD HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DC7015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E38015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/A6/10278/REP/038/10/L', 354816, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10177', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'MAK', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DD5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10177/NHS/028/10/L', 3747000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10263', NULL, N'ABU DHABI POLISH', N'KN', NULL, N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'CANCELLED', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1340700, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10313', N'CS-ITT-10027/2', N'GASCO', N'PETROFAC', N'HABSHAN SULPHUR HANDLING & PIPELINES WORKS (SITE PREPARATION, CIVIL AND BUILDING WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DF1015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 115269, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10197', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'CSCE', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DD5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10197/NHS/029/10/L', 1191818, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10311', N'CA/CSPD/0013', N'KNPC', N'DAEWOO', N'ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING OF THE NORTH LPG TANK FARM PROJECT (NLTF) AT MAA REFINERY', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DEA015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E53015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10311/RS/577/10/L', 370827, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10315', NULL, N'ABJ', N'KN', N'PANEL ASSEMBLY WORKSHOP, ABU DHABI ICAD III AREA', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DF2015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 5103916.279, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10109', N'RFP 2034', N'KOC', N'PETROFAC', N'NEW 30" CRUDE TRANSMIT LINE (TL-4) IN KUWAIT - CIVIL, PIPE LINE, MECHANICAL E&I CONSTRUCTION WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009CFA015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15259421, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10152', N'868/2009-2010', N'PAHW', N'MAK', N'SABAH AL AHMED HOUSING CITY (AREA A4 & A5) - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D2D015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31813369, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10316', NULL, N'MANAZEL', N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DISTRICT COOLING PLANT (DCP) FOR BUILDING MATERIAL CITY AND AL REEF DOWNTOWN', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E06015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 2293000, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10316', NULL, N'MANAZEL', N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF DISTRICT COOLING PLANT (DCP) FOR BUILDING MATERIAL CITY AND AL REEF DOWNTOWN', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E1A015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10316/082/10/L', 403515, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10144', NULL, N'EGYPTIAN TOURISM FEDERATION', N'KN', N'EGYPTIAN TRAINING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (ETCE) INFRASTRUCTURE PACKAGE', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22129811, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10225', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'AHMADIAH', N'DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF ADMIN BUILDING IN SEIF PALACE AT BAYAN', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D89015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10225/RRG/012/10/L', 77519, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10275', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'CIVIL & ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS FOR PRAYER HALL AT BAYAN PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE2015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7160/AH/A3-004-10', 587370, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10336', N'ATMEA D-GE-10-0261', N'JAEC', N'SAIPEM', N'CONSTRUCTION OF 2 x 1000 Mwe NUCLEAR POWER PLANT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009E0F015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1067048, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10132', NULL, N'ADIA', N'KN', N'BUILDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR ADIA HQ', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D1F015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 73647954, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10306', N'DOT/T/CP/159/09', N'EADT', N'KN', N'AUTOMATED PARKING FACILITIES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19918630, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10231', NULL, N'ARWA REAL ESTATE CO.', N'KN', N'O & M SERVICES FOR ARWA PRINTING PRESS AT SABHAN', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E04015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 41489, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10260', NULL, N'MINISTRY OF ELECTRICITY', N'KN', N'ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF 504.4 MW (ISO) OPEN CYCLE GAS TURBINE POWER PLANT AT BEDDAWI, LEBANON', N'LEBANON', N'Construction', N'EPC', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DC0015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7100/LTR/AH/SY/-/10', 3237900, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10349', N'KU/KUCP/C0400/10-11', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'MAK', N'CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND THE FACULTY CLUB, SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY - KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009E22015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1542278, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10185', NULL, N'ANPC', N'KN', N'AL JAZIRA CLUB TOWERS, ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D65015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10185/GI/025/L', 13080558.7407, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10155', N'867/2009-2010', N'PAHW', N'MAK', N'SABAH AL AHMED HOUSING CITY (AREA A1, A2 & A3) - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D2D015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D3A015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10155/RRG/005/10/L', 9761531, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10104', N'KPC/K/129/2009', N'KUWAIT PETROLEUM CORPORATION', N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS OF THE OIL SECTOR COMPOUND', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009CF5015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D3B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 4190756.184, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10176', NULL, N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'PROVIDING FMM SERVICES FOR MOSQUE FACILITIES IN THE EMIRATES OF ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D6A015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 786931, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10102', N'RFP-2011', N'KOC', N'KN', N'STORES HANDLING AND ASSOCIATED WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009CE8015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D03015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'KOC', 8818580, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10257', N'LVC/09/033', N'KOC', N'ABJ', N'SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM AT AHMADI TOWNSHIP', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'ABJ', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DB8015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DC8015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'DIRECT KOC', 42082, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10178', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'AHMADIAH', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D46015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DC5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10178/NHS/023/10/L', 527077, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10156', N'MEW/32/2008-2009', N'MEW', N'HITACHI ZOSEN', N'DESIGN & BUILD OF THE AZ-ZOUR NORTH COMBINED CYCLE POWER AND WATER PLANT WITH O & M SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D34015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D74015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'BY E-MAIL', 65094493, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10384', N'T-FM-70-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'TOTAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT OF THE FACILITIES OF ABU DHABI AUTHORITY FOR CULTURE AND HERITAGE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10213', NULL, N'EMAAR MISR', N'AWW', N'UPDOWN CAIRO PROJECT - INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICE PKG # 17 (A)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 8080000, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10138', NULL, N'ALDAR', N'KN', N'CARRY OUT MEP MAINTENANCE SERVICES OF THE PREMISES OF ADB REGULATION & SUPERVISON BUREAU', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D57015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10138/GI/011/10/L', 17796756.258, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10174', NULL, N'MUBADALA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PJSC', N'TEISEI CORPORATION', N'THE NEW STADIUM, ABU DHABI (MEP WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D90015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10174/EP/071-10', 786931, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10135', NULL, N'ALDAR', N'KN', N'CARRY OUT WITNESSING OF COMMISSIONING AND TESTING OF MEP SYSTEM AND CONDUCT CONDITION SURVEY OF ALDAR PROPERTIES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D1F015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/GI/022-10', 13916415, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10123', N'09ARMTA10621', N'TAKREER', N'KN', N'EOI FOR UPGRADING OF INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSOR & AIR DRYERS LOGIC TO REDUNDANT PLC AND FIELD INSTRUMENT ABU DHABI REFINERY', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7246531, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10385', N'T-FM-66-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'TOTAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT OF DELMA COMPLEX - ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10106', N'-', N'KN', N'KN', N'RENOVATION OF IMTE BUILDING AT MINA ABDULLA', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009CEC015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 48395519.457, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10358', N'DA-M-54', N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'REHABILITATION OF BUILDING AND ELECTRO MECHANICAL WORKS AT BAYAN AND SIEF PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E2B015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E3C015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 32992.473, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10153', N'68/2009-2010', N'MOI', N'KN', N'SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF SECURITY SYSTEMS AND CAMERAS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D34015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D59015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'DIRECT MOI', 7971531, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10303', NULL, N'EAA', N'KN', N'AC MAINTENANCE PILOT STUDY FOR ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE8015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/10303/GI/064/10/L', 1399621, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10186', N'PAHW/T/867/2009-2010', N'PAHW', N'MAK', N'CONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL BUILDINGS FOR SABAH AL AHMED HOUSING CITY', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D54015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 70599, N'L8', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10371', N'MNE/03/2010', N'PIC', N'KN', N'MAINTENANCE & CLEANING OF HIGH PRESSURE VESSELS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E44015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E5B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'DIRECT PIC', 28812, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10157', N'RFP/1990', N'KOC', N'SAIPEM', N'EFFLUENT WATER INJECTION NK PH-I AND CENTRAL SEAWATER INJECTION NK PH-II AT KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 76241750, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10151', N'CA/CSPD/0011', N'KNPC', N'HYUNDAI', N'ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION AND COMMISSIONING OF THE NEW AGRP / AGRP REVAMP PROJECT (NAGRP") AT MAA REFINERY', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D32015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D68015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10151/RS/243/10/L', 32829897, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10252', N'RA/140', N'MPW', N'AHMADIAH', N'DESIGN, BUILD, COMPLETION AND MAINTAIN SHEIKH JABER AL-AHMAD AL-SABAH CAUSEWAY PROJECT (MAIN LINK)', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DA9015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3165000, N'L6', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10294', N'PE-10021/04', N'BOROUGE', N'PETROFAC', N'ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND COMMISSIONING OF CROSS LINKED POLYETHYLENE PROJECT', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DDE015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 183287, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10216', NULL, N'ARWA REAL ESTATE CO.', N'KN', N'CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF NEW BUILDINGS AT PLOT # 290 IN ARDIYA', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D78015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D9F015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10216/MN/252/10/L', 399888, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10240', N'T-FM-84-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FOR ZAYED HIGHER ORGANISATION - GSCE - ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DAC015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9170F/10240/GI/043/10/L', 19918630, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10127', N'RA/140', N'MPW', N'MAK', N'DESIGN, BUILD, COMPLETION AND MAINTAIN SHEIKH JABER AL-AHMAD AL-SABAH CAUSEWAY PROJECT (MAIN LINK)', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D0E015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 598463, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10170', N'G-6981', N'ADWEA', N'KN', N'INAUGURATION OF ENERGY EFFECLENCY FOR ADWEA''S POOL OF BUILDINGS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D3B015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D7F015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10170/EP/066-10', 1899584, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10270', NULL, N'NMTC', N'PROJACS', N'NEW HEADQUARTER BUILDING FOR NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY (NMTC) KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DC1015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 124564.7792, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10213', NULL, N'EMAAR MISR', N'AWW', N'UPDOWN CAIRO PROJECT - INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICE PKG # 17 (A)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 587370, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10131', NULL, N'TAMDEEN SHOPPING CENTRES CO.', N'KN', N'MANPOWER SUPPLY FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF MEP SERVICES IN 360 MALL', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 78891827, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10273', NULL, N'TRAVCO GROUP', N'RAAFAT MILLER CONSULTING', N'GIZA PALACE HOTEL & SPA', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 2617963, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10140', NULL, N'MUBADALA', N'KN', N'PROVISION OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI PPP PROJECT', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D2D015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 37001416, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10312', NULL, N'CAPITALA', N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF CAPITALA DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COOLING PLANT (DCP)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DF8015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 8693000, N'LOST', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10219', N'JO/HC102/FE09', N'JO', N'KN', N'REPLACEMENT OF CORRODED PIPELINES FOR SWD''S 4, 7, 8, 11 & 14', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D7F015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 128910, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10310', N'P117/P088', N'TD & IC', N'KN', N'FACILITIES MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR TDIC (AL JAWAHER / SAADIYAT / MANARAT)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1590468, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10356', N'T-FM-56-2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING (MEP) MAINTENANCE AND MINOR ANCILLARY WORKS FOR 9 SITES IN THE EMIRATE OF ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 566559, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10334', N'RFP NO. 93/2010', N'ABU DHABI POLICE GHQ - GIS CENTER FOR SECURITY', N'KN', N'RFP FOR GIS SYSTEM INTEGRATORS - IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICE GIS PROJECTS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 393072, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10125', N'CIA/6/2009-2010', N'PACI', N'KN', N'SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AND ACCESSORIES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D15015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D50015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 24137632, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10235', N'MEW/14-2010/2011', N'MEW', N'CADAGUA', N'AZ-ZOUR SOUTH R.O. DESALINATION PLANT WITH RECARBONATION SYSTEM (30 MIGPD) WITH O & M SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'ABJ', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DD5015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10156', N'MEW/32/2008-2009', N'MEW', N'HITACHI ZOSEN', N'DESIGN & BUILD OF THE AZ-ZOUR NORTH COMBINED CYCLE POWER AND WATER PLANT WITH O & M SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D81015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10156/JVS/282/10/EM', 73647954, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10326', NULL, N'CENTRAL BANK OF KUWAIT', N'KN', N'RFP FOR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR THE FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM AT MAIN BUILDING OF CENTRAL BANK OF KUWAIT - WATIYA', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DF8015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3237900, N'L9', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10370', NULL, N'MOI', N'KN', N'COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE FOR MOI''s BUILDINGS & MINISTRY CABINET', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E4E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10370/GI/103/10/L', 5805, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10205', NULL, N'GASCO', N'TECNIMONT', N'HABSHAN 5 PROJECT - HVAC WORKS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D9E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10206/REP/015/10/L', 888000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10149', NULL, N'US EMBASSY', N'KN', N'RFP FOR MAKE-READY SERVICES (MINOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF RESIDENCES)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10190', NULL, N'PAYS', N'KN', N'JABER AL AHMED INTERNATIONAL STADIUM TOTAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 18092782.49559, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10215', N'RFP/1990', N'KOC', N'PETROFAC', N'EFFLUENT WATER INJECTION NK PH-I AND CENTRAL SEAWATER INJECTION NK PH-II AT KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D6D015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DBA015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'BY E-MAIL', 29430000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10348', N'MNE/04/2010', N'PIC', N'ABJ', N'TECHNICAL SUPPORT WORKS IN LABORATORY AND COMPANY PROCESS PLANTS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'ABJ', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E14015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E38015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'PIC', 158031, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10365', NULL, N'SCHLUMBERGER', N'KN', N'REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - FACILITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E4D015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10365/GI/102/10/L', 3479548.0544, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10159', NULL, N'MUBADALA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PJSC', N'SAMSUNG / ZUBLIN', N'THE NEW STADIUM, ABU DHABI (MEP WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D90015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10174/EP/072-10', 13916415, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10239', N'SPA/35', N'MPW', N'KC', N'THE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING FOR PUBLIC AUTHORITY FOR MINOR AFFAIRS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D9B015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DEC015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 698000, N'L7', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10148', NULL, N'MUBADALA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PJSC', N'SINOHYDRO', N'THE NEW STADIUM, ABU DHABI (MEP WORKS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D2E015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D90015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10174/EP/074-10', 3731349.828, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10154', NULL, N'AL DAR PROPERTIES', N'KN', N'PROVIDE TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR ALDAR AL FALAH COMMUNITY', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D39015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/GI/004-10', 8561531, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10323', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'500MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT EL SHABAB (8 UNITS - DSCS)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'COMBINED IN 10282', 42082, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10329', N'14/2010-2011', N'DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF CIVIL AVIATION', N'KN', N'DEVELOPING THE CAMERAS CONTROL SYSTEM AT THE KUWAIT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009E01015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 30034, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10122', N'020303/FM/2010', N'AL DAR PROPERTIES', N'KN', N'FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OF AL BANDAR - UAE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D0F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D59015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 11500000, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10342', NULL, N'REISCO', N'KN', N'TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT OF CAPITAL PLAZA, ABU DHABI CORNICHE.', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E2B015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 2260046, N'LOST', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10195', NULL, N'SUEZ CANAL AUTHORITY', N'KN', N'80,000 M3/DAY DOMESTIC WATER ULTRA FILTRATION PLANT - ISMAILIA', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 924248377, N'L7', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10352', NULL, N'ASWAQ MANAGEMENT & SERVICES', N'KN', N'FACILITY MANAGEMENT - ABU DHABI TRADE CENTRE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E2B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10352/GI/090/10/L', 297000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10196', N'PA/SH.AM/1/2010-2011', N'PAAET', N'KN', N'SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, & COMMISSIONING OF SMART BUILDING SYSTEMS FOR THE HIGHER INSTITUTE OF TELECOMMUNICATION & NAVIGATION SHUWAIKH CAMPUS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D5F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB9015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 785743, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10324', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'500MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT DAMIETTA (4 UNITS - EPC)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'COMBINED IN 10282', 46983.96, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10307', N'WMC/134', N'The Center of Waste Management β Abu Dhabi', N'KN', N'CONTRACT FOR ABU DHABI AND AL GHARBIA (WESTERN REGION) INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 2094286.84872, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10188', NULL, N'ABU DHABI URBAN PLANNING COUNCIL', N'KN', N'REQUEST FOR MAINTENANCE PROPOSAL - AL MAMOURA B - FLOORS 6, 7 & 8', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'CANCELLED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 8031448.27551, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10101', N'CS/1952', N'KNPC', N'KN', N'MECHANICAL WORKS WITH OTHER ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES FOR SHUAIBA REFINERY GRTA 2011', N'KUWAIT', N'Industrial Maintenance & Civil', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009CE2015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D3B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'KNPC ONLINE', 8818580, N'L1', NULL, N'<div></div>', NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10308', N'02/2010-2011', N'GSSCP & D', N'KN', N'OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL FOR PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DEC015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E29015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 129109, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10341', NULL, N'KN', N'KN', N'KN HQ OFFICE - FREE TRADE ZONE, KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, NULL, NULL, 7671762, N'LOST', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10142', NULL, N'GOLDEN PYRAMIDS PLAZA', N'KN', N'ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION AND NETWORK FOR STAFF HOUSING', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D3D015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 457189, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10277', NULL, N'KOC', N'SCHLUMBERGER', N'ITB TO BUILD HIGH TECH COLLABORATION CENTER AT KOC', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E20015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10277/MN/478/10/L', 29430000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10187', NULL, N'ABU DHABI POLICE', N'KN', N'MANPOWER SUPPLY FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D7B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'2023/PN/A1/025/10', 10658346, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10374', NULL, N'UAE UNIVERSITY', N'KN', N'YEARLY MAINTENANCE FOR UAE UNIVERSITY''S VARIOUS SITES (8 No.''s) - AL AIN CITY', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E58015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 80835, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10269', N'CS/1985', N'KNPC', N'KN', N'PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL PROJECTS WITH OTHER ASSOCIATED WORKS AT SHUAIBA REFINERY ', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DB8015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6632106, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10369', N'KU/KUCP/C0400/10-11', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'AHMADIAH', N'CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND THE FACULTY CLUB, SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY - KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1007373.77895, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10290', NULL, N'JUDICIAL DEPT.', N'KN', N'CARRYING OUT ALL CIVIL AMD ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS AT ALL THE BUILDINGS OF A JUDICIARY AUTHORITY', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE3015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 77519, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10301', N'MKE/17/2010-2011', N'MOH', N'KN', N'OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS AT THE HOSPITALS AND CENTERS OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DE3015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 16982.05704, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10139', N'MEW/32/2008-2009', NULL, NULL, N'PRELIMINARY RFQ FOR HVAC WORKS FOR THE DESIGN & BUILD OF THE AZ-ZOUR NORTH COMBINED CYCLE POWER & WATER PLANT WITH O 7 M SERVICES PROJECT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D81015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'IOM', 380121.369, N'L5', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10330', NULL, N'DAMAC PROPERTIES FOR DEVELOPMENT', N'KN', N'GARDEN HEIGHTS PROJECT, NEW CAIRO - PHASE 1 - INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', NULL, NULL, NULL, 336934, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10282', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'1000MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT AL SHABAB AND 500 MW POWER PLANT AT DAMIATTA', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E0C015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 133656, N'L4', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10200', NULL, N'SALHIA REAL ESTATE', N'AHMADIAH', N'BUDGETARY PRICE FOR ELECTRO-MECHANICAL WORKS FOR THE AL-ASIMA TOWER', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D5E015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D74015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10200/RRG/010/10/L', 677853, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10232', N'1862910', N'MOD', N'KN', N'WORKS FOR THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D9C015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB2015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'CTC', 6385819, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10340', N'W912ER-10-R-0066', N'US Army Corps of Engineers', N'KN', N'BRAVO SUBSTATION & 11 KV LOOP SYSTEM, ALI AL SALEM AIR BASE, KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E0E015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E1C015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A9/10340/EP/25-10', 3398310, N'LOST', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10197', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'CSCE', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DC5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10197/NHS/022/10/L', 7309980, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10108', N'-', N'TDIC', N'KN', N'SAADIYAT ISLAND DISTRICT COOLING PLANTS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009CFA015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D2E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A6/10108/EP/033-10', 15074346, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10203', N'UO/09/B3/0034', N'BOROUGE', N'HYUNDAI', N'CONSTRUCTION WORKS FOR BOROUGE 3 UTILITIES & OFFSITES PROJECT AT RUWAIS INDUSTRIES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D59015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D6E015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10203/RS/253/10/L', 1653229, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10207', NULL, N'UNESCWA', N'KN', N'PROVISION OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR THE UN HOUSE, BEIRUT', N'LEBANON', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D67015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D82015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 6632106, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10162', N'RFP/2033', N'KOC', N'HYUNDAI', N'INSTALLATION OF LOW SULPHUR FUEL OIL (LSFO), FG AND GAS OIL PIPELINES FROM MAA TO SABIYA AND DOHA POWER STATIONS (PART-A)', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D39015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10162/RS/109/110/10/EM', 60732689, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10248', NULL, N'THE ZYED FOUNDATION', N'KN', N'REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR FACILITIES MANAGEMENT SERVICES', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB3015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10248/GI/047/10/L', 115269, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10216', NULL, N'ARWA REAL ESTATE CO.', N'KN', N'CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF NEW BUILDINGS AT PLOT # 290 IN ARDIYA', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E1B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10216/MN/476/10/L', 354816, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10250', N'MEW/71/2008-2009', N'MEW', N'KN', N'DESIGN, BUILD AND OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE SECOND STAGE AZ-ZOUR SOUTH GAS TURBINES TO COMBINED CYCLE PLANT CCGT-2 ', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DA2015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 2293000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10259', N'CA/3870', N'KNPC', N'KN', N'RE-TUBING OF HEAT EXCHANGERS FOR MRTA, FCC & CDU BLOCK SHUTDOWNS FROM NOVEMBER, 2010 TO NOVEMBER, 2011 AT MINA AL-AHMADI REFINERY', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DBA015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE3015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'KNPC ONLINE', 3171000, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10292', N'KU/KUCP/C0231/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'MAK', N'CONSTRUCTION OF BID PACK 3A - CENTRAL UTILITY PLANT 1 & 2 INCLUDING ANCILLARY BUILDINGS - SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009DD9015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5927000.11, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10114', N'73/2009-2010', N'MINISTRY OF INTERIOR', N'KN', N'SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, COMMISSIONING AND WARRANTY OF SECURITY CAMERAS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D03015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D0B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'DIRECT MOI', 10991579, N'L1', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10134', NULL, N'MUBADALA CAPITALAND', N'KN', N'PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF ZAYAD SPORTS CITY, SECTOR W-57, ABU DHABI, UAE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D4B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107/A1/10134/EP/044-10', 12917121, N'L6', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10161', NULL, N'SADEEM AL KUWAIT', N'KN', N'ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL WORKS FOR THE SAS RADISSON BLU HOTEL EXTENSION PROJECT, KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 984864, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10156', N'MEW/32/2008-2009', N'MEW', N'HITACHI ZOSEN', N'DESIGN & BUILD OF THE AZ-ZOUR NORTH COMBINED CYCLE POWER AND WATER PLANT WITH O & M SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009D79015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10156/JVS/270/10/EM', 78891827, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10178', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'AHMADIAH', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009DD5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10178/NHS/030/10/L', 33039441, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10222', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE OF ADMIN BUILDING IN SEIF PALACE AT BAYAN', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D7F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D8A015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10221/PVS/242/10/L', 1870924, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10172', N'LPG/PROJ-01/2009', N'KOTC', N'SAIPEM', NULL, N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009D46015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 1350593, N'L1', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10343', NULL, N'MPW', N'KN', N'EM EL-HEYMEN WWTP', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 721776, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10383', NULL, N'UNITED RESOURCES REAL ESTATE CO.', NULL, N'ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT OF THE MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES AT THE OLYMPIA DEVELOPMENT SALEM AL MUBAREK STREET SALMIYA, KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x00009E54015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10253', N'FM-F086/2010', N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'ELECTROMECHANICAL MAINTENANCE AND MINOR ANCILLARY WORKS FOR GOVERNMENT SITES (13 DIFFERENT PACKAGES) IN THE EMIRATES OF ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DE1015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'9107F/10253/GI/068/10/L', 391250, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10206', NULL, N'KUWAIT INTL. FAIR CO.', N'KN', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROJECT FOR THE RENOVATION WORKS OF HALL NO. 8 AT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GROUND AT MISHREF', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D67015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D71015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10206/CP/200/10/L', 1443000, N'L2', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10221', NULL, N'AMIRI DIWAN', N'KN', N'DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLY OF CENTRAL MESS EQUIPMENT AT BAYAN PALACE', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D7F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D8A015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10221/PVS/243/10/L', 1870924, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10351', NULL, NULL, N'KN', N'ZAYED UNIVERSITY (NEW CAMPUS)', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E44015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 442996.109, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10205', NULL, N'GASCO', N'TECNIMONT', N'HABSHAN 5 PROJECT - HVAC WORKS', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D62015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D82015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10206/RRG/011/10/L', 370827, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10173', N'RFP/1990', N'KOC', N'DAELIM', N'EFFLUENT WATER INJECTION NK PH-I AND CENTRAL SEAWATER INJECTION NK PH-II AT KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D35015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D66015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10173/TPS/240/10/L', 27288185, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10247', NULL, N'GASCO', N'HYUNDAI', N'SUBCONTRACT WORKS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SULPHUR HANDLING TERMINAL - 2 PROJECT, UAE', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009DAA015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 8693000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10344', NULL, N'EQUATE', N'KN', N'REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SCAFFOLDING SERVICES', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β IM', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009E12015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E20015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 1680490, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10317', NULL, N'MUSANADA', N'KN', N'MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WORK OF MOSQUES IN THE WESTERN REGION OF ABU DHABI', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3165000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10277', NULL, N'KOC', N'SCHLUMBERGER', N'ITB TO BUILD HIGH TECH COLLABORATION CENTER AT KOC', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DC9015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DDE015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10277/MN/322/10/L', 4097000, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10386', NULL, N'BAKER HUGES', N'KN', N'FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FOR BAKER HUGHES, KUWAIT', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10177', N'KU/KUCP/C0300/09-10', N'KUWAIT UNIVERSITY', N'MAK', N'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND PETROLEUM SABAH AL SALEM UNIVERSITY CITY, KUWAIT UNIVERSITY - MEP WORKS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC (MEP)', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D48015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DC5015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107E/10177/NHS/017/10/L', 73711873, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10333', N'MEW/14/2010-2011', N'MEW', N'JGC CORPORATION', N'SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF AZ-ZOUR SOUTH R.O. DESALINATION PLANT WITH RE-CARBONATION SYSTEM (30 MIGPD) WITH O&M SERVICES ', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DFF015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E0B015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, 3209897, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10162', N'RFP/2033', N'KOC', N'HYUNDAI', N'INSTALLATION OF LOW SULPHUR FUEL OIL (LSFO), FG AND GAS OIL PIPELINES FROM MAA TO SABIYA AND DOHA POWER STATIONS (PART-A)', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DD4015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10162/SAY/392/10/EM', 37001416, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10201', NULL, N'AL DIWAN AL AMIRI', N'KN', N'DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, COMPLETION AND MAINTENANCE OF HISTORICAL VINTAGE AND CLASSICAL CAR MUSEUM AND ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D5F015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D80015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10201/MN/183/10/L', 677853, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10295', N'ZC/10/29', NULL, N'KN', N'OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE WORKS OF ZONES CORP BUILDINGS AT INDUSTRIAL CITY β ICAD 1 MUSSAFAH', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', NULL, N'KN', N'BIDDING', CAST(0x0000A038015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5878332.859, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10281', N'5267', N'GASCO', N'TECNIMONT', N'HABSHAN SULPHUR STATION & PIPELINES PROJECT', N'UAE', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DC6015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009E20015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107P/10281/TPS/506/10/L', 5705820, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10277', NULL, N'KOC', N'SCHLUMBERGER', N'ITB TO BUILD HIGH TECH COLLABORATION CENTER AT KOC', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'FM-IS β I, C & C', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', NULL, CAST(0x00009E2B015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'7107M/10277/MN/499/10/L', 399888, N'L3', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10137', N'CS/1957', N'KNPC', N'KN', N'PROCUREMENT & CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL PROJECTS WITH OTHER ASSOCIATED WORKS AT SHUAIBA REFINERY ', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D27015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D57015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'KNPC ONLINE', 80566422, N'Awarded', NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10322', NULL, N'ME&W, EGYPT', N'MAK', N'500MW SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE EMERGENCY POWER PLANT AT EL SHABAB (4 UNITS - DSCS)', N'EGYPT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009DCD015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DFD015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'COMBINED IN 10282', 31292344, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10111', N'276/2009', N'PUBLIC EST. OF ELECT. FOR GENERATION & TRANSMISSION', N'KN', N'DESIGN, MANUFACTURING, SUPPLY, TRANSMISSION, TESTING AND EXECUTION OF CIVIL WORKS, INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE EXPANSION AND OPERATION OF NASSARIYA POWER GENERATION STATION, DAMASCUS - SYRIA', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'EPC', NULL, N'KN', N'NO BID', CAST(0x00009D07015A11C0 AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11665901, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Vw_Kharafi] ([Proposal No], [Tender No], [Owner / Client], [Main Contract], [Description], [Country], [Operations], [Business Unit], [Offer Category], [Behalf Of], [Tender Status], [ITB Received Date], [Submitted Date], [Reference No.], [Quoted Amount], [Submitted Status], [Contract Awarded Date], [Remarks], [Other]) VALUES (N'10158', N'JO/HC100/MP09', N'JO', N'KN', N'CONSTRUCTION OF TWO EOCENE TANKS AND TWO CHEMICAL STORAGE TANKS AT MGC', N'KUWAIT', N'Construction', N'CONSTRUCTION', N'PRIMARY', N'KN', N'SUBMITTED', CAST(0x00009D35015A11C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D86015A11C0 AS DateTime), N'JO', 12917121, N'L6', NULL, NULL, NULL)
July 26, 2012 at 4:16 am
Thanks for the sample data, excellent work. This query generates the correct result set, you may wish to change the way it's presented:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#PreAggregate') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PreAggregate;
;WITH PreAggregate AS (
[Business Unit],
[Rows] = COUNT(*),
X = COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY [Business Unit]),
[Submitted Status],
FROM Vw_Kharafi
[Year] = DATENAME(YEAR,[Submitted Date]), -- year as string
[Month] = DATENAME(MONTH,[Submitted Date]) -- 'July'
) x
WHERE [Submitted Date] >= '20100101' AND [Submitted Date] < '20120101'
GROUP BY [Business Unit], x.[Year], x.[Month], [Submitted Status]
[Business Unit],
[CountBusinessUnit] = SUM([Rows]),
[Won]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lowest & Yet to be] = SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lost]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] NOT IN ('L1','Awarded') AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Result Pending]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
INTO #PreAggregate
FROM PreAggregate
GROUP BY [Business Unit], [Year], [Month]
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]
SELECT b.[Business Unit], m.[Month], y2010.*, y2011.*
) m (MonthID, [month])
CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT [Business Unit] FROM #PreAggregate) b
LEFT JOIN #PreAggregate y2010 ON y2010.[Month] = m.[Month]
AND y2010.[Business Unit] = b.[Business Unit]
AND y2010.[Year] = '2010'
LEFT JOIN #PreAggregate y2011 ON y2011.[Month] = m.[Month]
AND y2011.[Business Unit] = b.[Business Unit]
AND y2011.[Year] = '2011'
ORDER BY b.[Business Unit], m.MonthID
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
July 26, 2012 at 4:43 am
You are awesome. It works perfect π
July 26, 2012 at 5:03 am
milindsaraswala (7/26/2012)
You are awesome. It works perfect π
Thank you, that's very kind - but I'm just a jobbing TSQL programmer π
Here's a slightly performance-enhanced version.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#PreAggregate') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #PreAggregate;
[Business Unit] = CAST([Business Unit] AS VARCHAR(255)),
[Rows] = COUNT(*),
[Submitted Status] = CAST([Submitted Status] AS VARCHAR(255)),
INTO #PreAggregate
FROM Vw_Kharafi
[Year] = DATENAME(YEAR,[Submitted Date]), -- year as string
[Month] = DATENAME(MONTH,[Submitted Date]) -- 'July'
) x
WHERE [Submitted Date] >= '20100101' AND [Submitted Date] < '20120101'
GROUP BY [Business Unit], x.[Year], x.[Month], [Submitted Status]
ORDER BY [Business Unit], x.[Year], x.[Month], [Submitted Status];
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX ucx_PreAggregate ON #PreAggregate ([Business Unit], [Year], [Month], [Submitted Status]);
WITH PreAggregate AS (
[Business Unit],
[CountBusinessUnit] = SUM([Rows]),
[Won]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'Awarded' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lowest & Yet to be] = SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] = 'L1' Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Lost]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] NOT IN ('L1','Awarded') AND [Submitted Status] IS NOT NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
[Result Pending]= SUM(Case When [Submitted Status] IS NULL Then [Rows] Else 0 End),
FROM #PreAggregate
GROUP BY [Business Unit], [Year], [Month]
SELECT b.[Business Unit], m.[Month], y2010.*, y2011.*
) m (MonthID, [month])
FROM PreAggregate
) b
LEFT JOIN PreAggregate y2010 ON y2010.[Month] = m.[Month]
AND y2010.[Business Unit] = b.[Business Unit]
AND y2010.[Year] = '2010'
LEFT JOIN PreAggregate y2011 ON y2011.[Month] = m.[Month]
AND y2011.[Business Unit] = b.[Business Unit]
AND y2011.[Year] = '2011'
ORDER BY b.[Business Unit], m.MonthID
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
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