VB.Net create Stored Proc using an input file??

  • I am trying to build an app with VB.NET (2005) that checks source out of VSS and uses it as an input  file (much like OSQL does) to create/alter stored procedures. I can successfully check out/in the files and I have been able to use a call to OSQL in order to use the files as input.

    Is there a way to do this in VB.Net itself without having to call OSQL?


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • what exactly are you trying to do? read in a template to generate a SP to then load into the SQL Server?

    we read files and load them onto our server with vb.net, and also generate code from templates and xml files. might be something i can give you an example on if i knew a little more...

  • Our development teams use Source Safe for code control. When a stored procedure(s) is ready for release, they will send us (DBAs) a list of the procedures that are to be installed or altered (the correct syntax is in the sproc). At times, there can be over 100 sprocs being released for one application. I am trying to add some automation to this process since it is very tedious opening each sproc in an editor and then copy & paste into Query Analyzer.

    I have gotten as far as being able to copy the list of sprocs into a text box and then check out each, shell out and use osql (input file is the checked sproc) and capture the osql output file to determine if the compile was successful or not.

    I'd like to find out if there is any way of doing this as a "single step" without leave VB.Net (2005).


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • i have vb.net 2003 that reads files in, checks for proper syntax, drops old object, and loads new object.

    our app reads a directory tree, displays them in a grid, and then when were ready loads them on to the selected server. The basic code is here:

    we read .sql files in line by line into string (Body) and check for what type of object it is (trigger, SP, function, etc...) and set "SqlTypeName" to the object type Type

    we use: Public GrantPermissionTo As String = "[DOMAIN USERS], someuser"

    for the permissions

    this deletes the object....

    Public Sub Delete(ByVal conn As SqlConnection)


    Dim cmdText As String = "IF OBJECT_ID('" & Me.Name & "') IS NOT NULL DROP " _

    & Me.SqlTypeName & " " & Me.Name

    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(cmdText, conn)


    Me.Loaded = False

    Catch ex As Exception

    Me.ErrorType = SqlItemError.Delete

    Me.ErrorText = ex.Message

    End Try

    End Sub

    and this loads it and sets permissions....

    Public Sub Load(ByVal conn As SqlConnection)


    Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Me.Body, conn)


    If (Me.GrantPermissionTo Nothing) And (Me.GrantPermissionTo "") Then

    cmd = New SqlCommand("GRANT EXECUTE ON " & Me.Name & _

    " TO " & Me.GrantPermissionTo, conn)


    End If

    Me.Loaded = True

    Catch ex As Exception

    Me.ErrorType = SqlItemError.Load

    Me.ErrorText = ex.Message

    End Try

    End Sub

    ... let me know if you need more...

  • Thanks for example. I am in no way a VB coder let alone a VB.Net coder. I was hoping to not need to read the disk file into a command, that's why I chose to shell out to OSQL.


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

  • <?xml version="1.0" ?>


    Filename:     Create_DB_Command_File.wsf

    Purpose:      Builds a packing list of files from a specified

                               folder or drive.




    <resource id="inputPath">.</resource>

    <resource id="outputPath">\build_latest_objects.cmd</resource>

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">



    var DAYS_AGO_INTERVAL = 5;


    var background = "#ffffee";

    var outputFile = getResource("inputPath") + getResource("outputPath");

    var startDir   = getResource("inputPath");

    var title      = "Folder View - ";

    var count      = 1;


    // Open output file

    fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

    fo = fso.OpenTextFile( outputFile, 2, true );


    // Write HTML header and define styles

    function WriteHead()


       fo.Write( "@echo off\r\n"

                         +"REM: Command File Created by Microsoft Visual Database Tools\r\n"

                         +"REM: Date Generated: 7/11/2006\r\n"

                         +"REM: Authentication type: SQL Server\r\n"

                         +"REM: Usage: CommandFilename [Server] [Database] [Login] [Password]\r\n"


                         +"if '%1' == '' goto usage\r\n"

                         +"if '%2' == '' goto usage\r\n"

                         +"if '%3' == '' goto usage\r\n"


                         +"if '%1' == '/?' goto usage\r\n"

                         +"if '%1' == '-?' goto usage\r\n"

                         +"if '%1' == '?' goto usage\r\n"

                         +"if '%1' == '/help' goto usage\r\n" );



    // Write HTML footer

    function WriteFoot()


       fo.Write( "\r\ngoto finish\r\n"


                         +"REM: How to use screen\r\n"



                         +"echo Usage: MyScript Server Database User [Password]\r\n"

                         +"echo Server: the name of the target SQL Server\r\n"

                         +"echo Database: the name of the target database\r\n"

                         +"echo User: the login name on the target server\r\n"

                         +"echo Password: the password for the login on the target server (optional)\r\n"


                         +"echo Example: MyScript.cmd MainServer MainDatabase MyName MyPassword\r\n"



                         +"goto done\r\n"


                         +"REM: error handler\r\n"



                         +"echo WARNING! Error(s) were detected!\r\n"

                         +"echo --------------------------------\r\n"

                         +"echo Please evaluate the situation and, if needed,\r\n"

                         +"echo restart this command file. You may need to\r\n"

                         +"echo supply command parameters when executing\r\n"

                         +"echo this command file.\r\n"



                         +"goto done\r\n"


                         +"REM: finished execution\r\n"



                         +"echo Script execution is complete!\r\n"


                         +"@echo on\r\n" );



    // Write table row with data

    function WriteRow( obj )


       v = new Array( count, obj.file, obj.size, obj.date, obj.lines );

       fo.Write( "\r\nrem      ==== [DATE:"+ obj.date +"] ====\r\n" );

       fo.Write( "\r\nosql -S %1 -d %2 -U %3 -P %4 -b -i \"" );

       fo.Write( obj.file );

       fo.Write( "\"\r\nif %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto errors\r\n" );




    // Object to store file properties.

    function FileProps()


       this.file = "";

       this.size = "";

       this.date = "";

       this.lines = 0;



    // Format the file size in friendlier terms

    function FormatSize( size )


       var gb   = 1073741824;

       var mb   = 1048576;

       var kb   = 1024;

       var rs;


       if( size > gb )

             rs = Math.round( size / gb ) + " GB";

       else if( size > mb )

             rs = Math.round( size / mb ) + " MB";

       else if( size > kb )

             rs = Math.round( size / kb ) + " KB"; 


             rs = size + " B";


       return( rs );


    // Function to scan directory

    function scandir( dir )


      // Get Current Folder

       var srcFolder = fso.GetFolder( dir );


      // Get Files in current directory

       var files = new Enumerator( srcFolder.files );


      // Loop through files

       for(; !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext() )


         // Create object and store file properties

          var fObj = new FileProps();

          var sFileName = String(files.item());




          fObj.file = sFileName.replace(startDir+"\\", "");

          fObj.size = FormatSize( files.item().Size );

          fObj.date = formatDate(new Date(files.item().DateLastModified), "MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss");

             fObj.lines = 0;


           if (new Date(files.item().DateLastModified) > (dateAdd('d', -DAYS_AGO_INTERVAL, new Date()))) {

                   // Write data to file

                 if (/(.prc|.udf|.viw?)$/gi.test(sFileName)) {

                       WriteRow( fObj );    







      // Get any sub folders to current directory

       var esub = new Enumerator( srcFolder.SubFolders );


      // Loop through sub folder list and scan

      // through a recursive call to this function

       for(; !esub.atEnd(); esub.moveNext() )


          var f = fso.GetFolder( esub.item() );

          scandir( f );





      function addZero(vNumber){

        return ((vNumber < 10) ? "0" : "") + vNumber



      function formatDate(vDate, vFormat){


           formatDate(DateObject, FormatString)


           dd for Date of the month

           MM for month

           yy or yyyy for Year

           hh for hours

           mm for minutes

           ss for seconds


           e.g. dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss



        var vDay              = addZero(vDate.getDate());

        var vMonth            = vDate.getMonth()+1;        //     addZero(vDate.getMonth()+1);

        var vYearLong         = addZero(vDate.getFullYear());

        var vYearShort        = addZero(vDate.getFullYear().toString().substring(3,4));

        var vYear             = (vFormat.indexOf("yyyy")>-1?vYearLong:vYearShort)

        var vHour             = addZero(vDate.getHours());

        var vMinute           = addZero(vDate.getMinutes());

        var vSecond           = addZero(vDate.getSeconds());

        var vDateString       = vFormat.replace(/dd/g, vDay).replace(/MM/g, vMonth).replace(/y{1,4}/g, vYear)

        vDateString           = vDateString.replace(/hh/g, vHour).replace(/mm/g, vMinute).replace(/ss/g, vSecond)

        return vDateString



    // used by dateAdd, dateDiff, datePart, weekdayName, and monthName

    // note: less strict than VBScript's isDate, since JS allows invalid dates to overflow (e.g. Jan 32 transparently becomes Feb 1)

    function isDate(p_Expression){

           return !isNaN(new Date(p_Expression));          // <<--- this needs checking




    // REQUIRES: isDate()

    function dateAdd(p_Interval, p_Number, p_Date){

           if(!isDate(p_Date)){return "invalid date: '" + p_Date + "'";}

           if(isNaN(p_Number)){return "invalid number: '" + p_Number + "'";}   


           p_Number = new Number(p_Number);

           var dt = new Date(p_Date);


                  case "yyyy": {// year

                         dt.setFullYear(dt.getFullYear() + p_Number);



                  case "q": {          // quarter

                         dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + (p_Number*3));



                  case "m": {          // month

                         dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + p_Number);



                  case "y":            // day of year

                  case "d":            // day

                  case "w": {          // weekday

                         dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + p_Number);



                  case "ww": {  // week of year

                         dt.setDate(dt.getDate() + (p_Number*7));



                  case "h": {          // hour

                         dt.setHours(dt.getHours() + p_Number);



                  case "n": {          // minute

                         dt.setMinutes(dt.getMinutes() + p_Number);



                  case "s": {          // second

                         dt.setSeconds(dt.getSeconds() + p_Number);



                  case "ms": {         // second

                         dt.setMilliseconds(dt.getMilliseconds() + p_Number);



                  default: {

                         return "invalid interval: '" + p_Interval + "'";



           return dt;





    // Main just for organization

    function main()




       scandir( startDir );



      // Tell the user we are finished.

       WScript.Echo( "Finished" );










  • Here is what I do using VS 2003...

    1. Back up your database mdf (easiest rollback mechanism)
    2. If your devs are using a VS Database Project under source control, you can add this project to a blank VS Solution.
    3. Perform a "Get Latest Version" on the project
    4. Run a script (I use a Windows Scripting File called Create_DB_Command_File.wsf) that creates build_latest_objects.cmd, a command file that calls the OSQL utility to compile each object

    1. The WSF uses a configurable interval parameter called DAYS_AGO_INTERVAL so that only files modified within that interval will be compiled
    2. The WSF should be run from inside your database project folder by default. You can also configure that path <resource id="inputPath">.</resource>
    3. The CMD file has a line per script that calls the OSQL utility
  • call the build_latest_objects.cmd file from the command line like this: build_latest_objects.cmd <server> <database> <sql_userid> <password>
  • That's it...

    Some things to note:

    1. Build failure means that all previous objects compiled successfully up to failure
    2. It also means that the objects after the failure did not get compiled
    3. You may need objects to be built in a certain order. Open the build_latest_objects.cmd with notepad and move the lines around.
    4. The script is meant to compile db objects like sp, view, and udf. To include other file extensions find the line 151 (/(.prc|.udf|.viw?)$/gi.test(sFileName)) and add your additional extensions

    I hope this helps. Ths code for Create_DB_Command_File.wsf is below.



  • Since the title is VB.Net you could write an executable to do the same... I suppose.

  • CBaptiste - thanks for your reply - I have most of it done in VB.Net already.

    Our developers use a variety of tools. Fortunately, the syntax for creating database objects hasn't changed. All source for dev, test(integration) and production is in Visual Source Safe. Only DBAs can promote objects into production databases (after approval by UA and PM), hence the need for a VSS interface.


    "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."
    Tony Hoare

    "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur." Red Adair.

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