unsigned ints

  • i recently worked with an ip allocation webpage, where i of course thought, whoopee, i can use the ip address (the actual 32bit value) as the primary key, then i can also do all sorts of things with the data quickly (let select a certain ip range - which would be hell working with varchar(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) format).

    funny thing is, i never actually needed it til then, but i realised i couldn't define a field as an unsigned int... the simplest bloody thing..

    i ended up having to make it a decimal.. if anyone has any info on it being possible (to create an unsigned int) please let me know.

  • You could use a BINARY value. Same storage requirements as INT but you can use all the bits. You may find it cumbersome though, depending on your processing needs, but just an option to consider...

    CREATE TABLE IPAllocations (
    Octet1 AS convert(smallint, substring(ip,1,1)),
    Octet2 AS convert(smallint, substring(ip,2,1)),
    Octet3 AS convert(smallint, substring(ip,3,1)),
    Octet4 AS convert(smallint, substring(ip,4,1)),

    INSERT IPAllocations VALUES (0xfffefdfc)

    select * from IPAllocations

    - Mark

  • thanks for the suggestion, but i was hoping there was a more elegant way.

    i am a little disappointed in sql server because it's been so good to me til now.. who'da thunk it? all ints being forced signed except tinyint which is forced unsigned.. bah! 🙂

    i spose it's always these little things that irk you.

  • I agree; bit of a pet peeve with me as well...What about using the BIGINT datatype, it's signed, but should give you the range you need. It's only supported in SQL2000, however.



    ps: if only mysql had stored procs and sqlserver had unsigned ints... 🙂

  • yeah, it's sql server 7.0 🙂 so no bigint. even if it did support, still not nice, wasting space.

    if only mssql has unsigned ints, and mysql had stored procs and views and better defaults, and rules and so on.. and so on.. 🙂

    (don't get me wrong, i like the mysql - it's quick, easy and most importantly free - it's just got a long way to go in the feature department.)

  • You'll get no disagreement from me! 🙂

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