MS ACCESS - connect Remote database

  • can i connect ms access database which is not in my application server but in a remote server in inetpub and not in wwwroot. is it possible? if so what connection string i should use?

  • May be this can help:

    If your Access database is on another server, you will need to ensure that Jet 4.0 is installed on the remote server, and that you know the *local* location of the MDB file on that server. Once you have those two vital pieces, you can use a connection string like this (see Article #2168 for more details): 



        cst = "Provider=MS Remote;" &_  

            "Remote Server=http://<x.x.x.x>;" &_  

            "Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &_  

            "Data Source=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\file1.mdb;"  

        set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")   cst 



    (And I feel sorry for you. Access is not really up to this task, as I'm sure you'll quickly learn.) 


    In each case, of course, filling in the <variables> with the proper values. 


    Regarding using JET over ODBC, according to KB #222135


    "When running Microsoft Jet in an IIS environment, it is recommended that you use the native Jet OLE DB Provider in place of the Microsoft Access ODBC driver. The Microsoft Access ODBC driver (Jet ODBC driver) can have stability issues due to the version of Visual Basic for Applications that is invoked because the version is not thread safe. As a result, when multiple concurrent users make requests of a Microsoft Access database, unpredictable results may occur. The native Jet OLE DB Provider includes fixes and enhancements for stability, performance, and thread pooling (including calling a thread-safe version of Visual Basic for Applications)." 

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