Convert a query to a View

  • First and foremost I am not a db programmer, Dispatcher by trade. So if I do not belong here do not hesitate to say so. With the form someone on another form I have created the following query to return the minimum temperatue for each day and the time it first occurred. My problem is that I want this as a View. I plan to use another program as a front end to display my data.

  • use tempdb;

    CREATE TABLE #Readings (
      EventDate DATE,
      EventTime TIME,
      Temp TINYINT
    -- some sample data
    INSERT INTO #Readings
    SELECT EventDate
    FROM [YewSt_Weather_WD].[dbo].[WX_Data_WD]

    -- get the min(EventTime) of the Min(Temp)
    SELECT mt.EventDate
      , mt.MinimumTemp
      , MIN(r.EventTime) AS EarliestTime
      (SELECT EventDate
       , MIN(Temp) AS MinimumTemp
      FROM #Readings
      GROUP BY EventDate) mt
    INNER JOIN #Readings r
      ON (mt.EventDate = r.EventDate
       AND mt.MinimumTemp = r.Temp)
      , mt.MinimumTemp;

  • A simpler way to get the information you're looking at would be this:

    SELECT EventDate,EventTime,Temp, rn=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EventDate ORDER BY Temp ASC, EventTime ASC)
    FROM mytable --Change to your table name, of course

    SELECT EventDate, EventTime, Temp
    WHERE rn=1;

    Turning that into a view is as simple as adding the following line at the beginning:

    CREATE VIEW myview AS --Again, change to the desired name for the view as necessary


  • Yeah, I figured that out after taking a break for a while... (That's my crummy code he was posting about.)
    Took me a minute to figure out I could use ROW_NUMBER() OVER () PARTITION... to do it. Turns out leaving myself hints worked pretty well.

  • Thank you for your help.

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