SQL 2005 to 2008 slower

  • We currently have 2005 on a server machine, and its pretty zippy. We are testing out 2008 on a workstation with more memory and more cpu processors than we are using for 2005, yet the same test we do on both takes a lot longer on the 2008 machine. Any reason for this? We already made sure the compatibility level was set right for 2008, and rebuilt all of the indexes, yet it hasn't improved much. Would there be that big of a difference between running 2008 on a workstation than a server machine?? Anything else to check/look at?

  • Have you compared execution plans on the queries/procedures between the two systems?

  • Have all statistics been updated? DBCC UPDATEUSAGE run?

  • What do your wait types look like?

    Is the workstation configured to use all this extra ram? With the increase in procs are you running into paralllism contention with the extra procs? Most workstations have a lot of extra crap running on them, are you fighting for resources? Do you have all of your database files on one slow drive on the workstation?

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