How safe are your passwords?
Try this set of tools:
- FindSA and FinSADic are passwords crackers.
- PWDAnalysis will give an estimate on how easy it is to crack a password.
- RandomPWD will generate a random password using all ASCII characters above 32, some will require using ALT to display them.
- RandomPWDkbd will generate a random password using all ASCII characters above 32 but below 126, all characters accessible directly through the keyboard.
- Possibilities returns how many different passwords are possible with 1 up to c characters from a universe of n different characters.
This is a brute force attack trying to find the SA password.
FindSA has 1 parameter: size.
Size is the maximum length of the passwords to be tested.
(assuming SA password was “AS”)
EXEC dbo.FindSA 2
This is a dictionary attack trying to find any password.
FinSADic has 1 parameter: file.
File is the full path+file name to be used as the dictionary for the attack.
(assuming SA password was “AS” and the file was “C:\wordlist.txt”)
EXEC dbo.FindSADic 'C:\wordlist.txt'
PWDAnalysis has 2 parameters: sizePWD and sizeUniverse
The length of the password is sizePWD and the number of the possible characters to be used (universe) is sizeUniverse.
Most common values for sizePWD and why they are chosen:
(passwords are NOT case sensitive)
26 – Characters from “A” to “Z”, it allows the simplest and easiest to remember passwords.
36 - Characters from “A” to “Z” plus “0” to “9”, one step further if numbers are really used in each password and anywhere inside it not only at the end of it.
38 - Characters from “A” to “Z” plus “0” to “9” plus “_” and “!”, one step further, this might be the most common set of characters used in the real world.
95 - All ASCII characters from 32 to 126, much better than the ones above, quite complex passwords, not so easy to remember but all characters can be typed using the keyboard with no “special” keys involved.
223 - All ASCII characters from 32 to 255, this is the hardest to crack and so it should be the option for a SA password, it might require COPY/PASTE the password or using the ALT key and it should be very hard to memorize.
A password with 5 characters and containing only characters from “A” to “Z” (passwords are not case sensitive) would have sizePWD=5 and sizeUniverse=26
This is a very weak password:
exec dbo.PWDAnalysis 5,26
This will generate a random password using all ASCII characters above 32 (inclusive).
RandomPWD has 1 input parameter: size and 1 output parameter: password.
declare @c varchar(10)
exec RandomPWD 10, @password=@c output
This will generate a random password using all ASCII characters from 32 (inclusive) to 126(inclusive).
RandomPWDkbd has 1 input parameter: size and 1 output parameter: password.
declare @c varchar(10)
exec RandomPWDkbd 10, @password=@c output
Stored Procedures and Functions:
FindSA - brute force attack for finding the SA password.
FindSADic - Dictionary attack for finding passwords.
PWDAnalysis – Analysis of password security.
RandomPWD – creates a random password with characters from ASCII 32 to 255 (all possible characters but some require using ALT to display them)
RandomPWDkbd – creates a random password with characters from ASCII 32 to 126 (all of them accessible directly through the keyboard)
Possibilities – returns how many different passwords are possible with 1 up to c characters from a universe of n different characters
DateFromSeconds – returns how many years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds correspond to a certain number of seconds.
original idea:
David Litchfield
Next Generation Security Software Ltd ©
Thank you David, for sharing your report and allowing me to use it for my educational test code.
Highly recomended reading:
original idea and code:
Chris Anley
Next Generation Security Software Ltd ©
Thank you Chris, for sharing your report and allowing me to use it for my educational test code.
Highly recomended reading:
Where to find word lists:
University of Oxford
The wordlist project
Kevin's Word Lists Page, my employer and myself are not responsible for the use of this code. This code is provided as is and for educational purposes only.
Developed, adapted or translated to TSQL by Joseph Gama.