I picked up Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss, a former FBI negotiator. Given what I do, I realized that...
2025-01-02 (first published: 2025-01-01)
52 reads
I have found that non-functional requirements (NFRs) can be hard to define for a given solution. I’ve seen teams struggle with NFRs. However, to ensure I’m speaking the same...
2025-01-01 (first published: 2024-05-08)
586 reads
Microsoft Fabric is the new data offering in Microsoft Azure and there is a great deal of interest in it. How do you get started? Where are the tutorials?
2024-12-23 (first published: 2024-04-29)
677 reads
I'm listening to Effortless by Greg McKeon (link to author's page) through Audible.com. He points out that often times, a quest for perfection means we don't move forward. We...
2024-11-22 (first published: 2024-11-12)
430 reads
I still have a tendency to talk about all the cons of a proposed solution I don’t believe is the optimal one. There’s an old saying that “no one...
2024-11-08 (first published: 2024-10-29)
154 reads