March 2, 2009 at 1:45 am
How about adding "Mark As Answer" feature?
Where The thread starter or a Moderator can mark a post as answer to the more correct or more helpful reply.
It will help in great deal
- Someone who is searching for similar problem
- Rating for Answerer's
Also I don't like the current points system at all. The points merely suggest quantity participation of a member and NOT quality.
Almost all other Online forums already have such feature.
John Smith
March 3, 2009 at 7:37 am
I look at the top posters list and see that the best that this site has to offer rises to the top - Jones - Moden - Shaw for example. I am not sure why the points on this site should change. Is the point system that Yahoo Answers uses really better?
March 3, 2009 at 5:32 pm
Marking something as "answered my question" is something we're considering.
The rating thing, hard to know. I think if you consistently answer poorly, others join in and let those that read the forums know.
March 3, 2009 at 9:39 pm
I'd be happy so long as these "Answered" questions still appear in the "Database Pros who need your help!" section of the Newsletter. I always enjoy picking out the topics I think would be relevant to my learning (or just the interesting ones. I won't learn too much from the 1:n relationship topic from today but the second I saw Football I had to open it!) and seeing how the rest of you guys have answered them.
March 4, 2009 at 12:27 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Steve Jones - Editor (3/3/2009)
Marking something as "answered my question" is something we're considering.Sooner the better.
The rating thing, hard to know. I think if you consistently answer poorly, others join in and let those that read the forums know.
But what about someone who is new on forums? How will he/she will come to know about poor advise? By the time he/she realizses damage might have done already.
And about who is on the Top of list of Rating List now - Well honestly those are just numbers. I followed some of those Top rankers in last few days, and I have rarely seen there replies as helpful (my recent observations).
Most of the time I seen there replies as
- What is the business requirement? (I know this valid question - but everytime? without providing any alternative?)
- Look for "Something" in Books online
- Check out the Arcticle by ---
- Or simple providing some bunch of links
- And best one why do you need to do this?
Don't want to name anyone, and don't take personally as well. Number of posts "Answered" is any time better than just Number of posts.
So let me guess, you'd rather we just give everyone the answer to their question without having them learn something at the same time? We have no problem helping people but we also want them to learn things at the same time. Yes, we point people to various articles from how to post questions to get the best answers, or how to do crosstabs or pivots, or to efficiently solve running total type problems. By showing people where to lookup information in Books Online or these articles and others, we are showing them how and where to find answers to some of their questions. They may not fully answer their question or help solve their problem but it gets them going in the right direction.
And what is wrong with asking for more information? We all are giving of our own time voluntarily (we aren't paid to do this), and we don't have the knowledge of their systems, applications, or data. Since we don't have that, many times we have to ask for clarification. And, sometimes, the question they are asking or the problem presented isn't what they are really looking for at all, and you don't find that out until you hear back from them that your original solution doesn't work because they didn't provide you with all the information you needed to really help them.
What is the business requirement? (I know this valid question - but everytime? without providing any alternative?)
And how do we provide an alternative if we don't fully understand what they need in the first place? Sometimes the questions/problem are simply to vague to do anything without further clarification.
Someone once told me, you can either complain about things and be part of the problem or you can join in and help out and be part of the solution. Which are you going to be, part of the problem or part of the solution?
March 4, 2009 at 12:53 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
But what about someone who is new on forums? How will he/she will come to know about poor advise? By the time he/she realizses damage might have done already.
However there's nothing stopping people marking very bad advice (and there is some of that around here) as the answer and in that case having an 'accepted answer' makes matters worse, not better.
- What is the business requirement? (I know this valid question - but everytime? without providing any alternative?)
Sometimes the reason for the request is not clear and when it is it's easy to see that there's a better solution.
It's like someone asking "What tool do I use to cut Teak?" You can answer "An Axe", but asking what he's doing may reveal that he's carving expensive furniture, in which case an axe is not the appropriate tool.
- Look for "Something" in Books online
Personally I have better things to do with my time than retyping a portion of Books Online when I know the answer is in there. (and I know I'm one of those you're getting at here)
- Check out the Arcticle by ---
See above. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to write out a detailed article on something. Is my 2 min quick answer likely to come close to that?
- Or simple providing some bunch of links
See above. If it's been answered elsewhere, why spend time answering it again when that time can go to helping someone who's question doesn't have an existing answer.
I often point people to my blog. Why? Because when I see a certain question getting asked a lot here (parameter sniffing, bookmark lookups, etc), I write a blog post on it and go into a fair bit of depth. That way, the next time the question gets asked, there's a detailed post, with examples written.
- And best one why do you need to do this?
Same as asking for the business requirement. Sometimes the reason for the request is not clear and when it is it's easy to see that there's a better solution.
Do bear in mind that no one here (other than Steve) works for SQL Server Central. We're all posting in our free time, which is getting more and more limited each day.
Number of posts "Answered" is any time better than just Number of posts.
You'll probably find, after some time, that most of the people with the top post count will also have the highest "answered" number too.
Gail Shaw
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability
March 4, 2009 at 1:02 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
I think you are taking conversation to different direction. Just relax.I also asks those extra questions while helping someone. I could have actually posted those linkes where some people have just ask those questions for sake of asking it (or may just wanted to increase their posts count).
And just posting linkes doesn't make you A Top answerer. I'm talking about some people just posting linkes for some simplest of questions, without actually making a effort to explain.
I also don't get paid for posting, I'm regular member on MSDN, just recently started posting on SSC. And my suggestions are just make SSC a better place, PLEASE don't take it pesonally.
Actually, I took your conversation right where you led it. You questioned what many of us do on this sight as if it were the wrong thing to do on forums like this. You will find this forum to be, IMHO, the MOST professional MS SQL Server site on the web.
March 4, 2009 at 1:12 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Man, you just catching the words from my mouths.Please just take this -
Marking a post as Answer is Good Idea or not?
Almost all online forums do that - from MSDN to Oracle to Experts Exchange.
I'm also don't get paid for posting on online forums friends.
Just so we keep things in context, you also said this:
And about who is on the Top of list of Rating List now - Well honestly those are just numbers. I followed some of those Top rankers in last few days, and I have rarely seen there replies as helpful (my recent observations).
Most of the time I seen there replies as
- What is the business requirement? (I know this valid question - but everytime? without providing any alternative?)
- Look for "Something" in Books online
- Check out the Arcticle by ---
- Or simple providing some bunch of links
- And best one why do you need to do this?
Don't want to name anyone, and don't take personally as well. Number of posts "Answered" is any time better than just Number of posts.
Mangal Pardeshi
SQL With Mangal
And that is where I am coming from, not about marking a question as answered.
March 4, 2009 at 1:28 am
Like Lynn, I have no problem with the idea of an "Answered post" It is something lacking here. I do have a small problem with this though:
I followed some of those Top rankers in last few days, and I have rarely seen there replies as helpful (my recent observations).
If we're all doing such a bad job, please, jump in and take over.
Gail Shaw
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability
March 4, 2009 at 3:49 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Please!!!!!!!I must confess, my that comment was with one of the poster with not all of you guys.
I observe that one such member is just looking for increase his posts number, I may be wrong, but can't help it, i felt that way. Please don't make me spell out his name.
Apart from a handfull of posts when people get QotD wrong and feel they've been hard done by :), I don't think anyone, especially those with several thousand posts, add comments simply to increase their post count unless it's as a joke!
You've had the reasons why people ask "why do you want to that" instead of just posting a piece of code.
"How do I cut wood?"
"Is that for firewood, to fix a chair or carve a model?"
There's also the fact that SSC is a community and people like to discuss things, whether it's SQL or something else. So sometimes a post may not seem 100% relevant to answering the question, but if you read the whole thread it's usually a valid part of the discussion.
my original post says
How about adding "Mark As Answer" feature?
Where The thread starter or a Moderator can mark a post as answer to the more correct or more helpful reply.
It will help in great deal
- Someone who is searching for similar problem
- Rating for Answerer's
Also I don't like the current points system at all. The points merely suggest quantity participation of a member and NOT quality.
Almost all other Online forums already have such feature.
In response to your original post, my opinion is that a system of marking a thread as having a possible answer might be useful, but marking a particular post as 'the best answer' would have many problems and wouldn't be useful. For example, the OP usually doesn't know what a good answer is (or he wouldn't have asked the question) so they're not a good person to make the choice. Moderators would likely be the top posters, so you might just as well use that to identify the best answer anyway!
Regarding the fact that the points system simply rewards number of posts, I did a quick check of Lynn's recent posts. 6 out of 20 appear to contain code which (presumably) provides some kind of answer. Assuming that's an average sample, he'd have an 'answer score' of 1600+ (from his 'posting score of 5400+). I think any answer given by someone with that high an 'answer score' would probably be worth checking even if it wasn't marked as 'best answer'. So I think it's simpler just to stick with the current points system.
March 4, 2009 at 4:59 am
In addition, some of the other forums only let you see the 'Answered' post, which takes away any discussion value. Not sure if you were considering that Steve, but I would suggest *not* doing that. Sometimes you can take off on a tangent or get a similar idea that helps tremendously, but probably isn't answering the exact question posted.
How best to post your question[/url]
How to post performance problems[/url]
Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]
"stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."
March 4, 2009 at 5:11 am
It would be better to change the color of the accepted post as solution for the user if the problem solved!
I suggest before that if we have solution to close the post but Steve said that we can have alternative solutions so in this case the best way should be to colorize the answered post differently from default posts and make it as accepted solution and sure that we can post other alternatives and the moderators can change them the color!
Color example for accepted solution = Green!
March 4, 2009 at 5:34 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Steve Jones - Editor (3/3/2009)
Marking something as "answered my question" is something we're considering.Sooner the better.
The rating thing, hard to know. I think if you consistently answer poorly, others join in and let those that read the forums know.
But what about someone who is new on forums? How will he/she will come to know about poor advise? By the time he/she realizses damage might have done already.
And about who is on the Top of list of Rating List now - Well honestly those are just numbers. I followed some of those Top rankers in last few days, and I have rarely seen there replies as helpful (my recent observations).
Most of the time I seen there replies as
- What is the business requirement? (I know this valid question - but everytime? without providing any alternative?)
- Look for "Something" in Books online
- Check out the Arcticle by ---
- Or simple providing some bunch of links
- And best one why do you need to do this?
Don't want to name anyone, and don't take personally as well. Number of posts "Answered" is any time better than just Number of posts.
Well, you've just quoted quite a few of my posts. I'm just curious, which is more helpful, copying & pasting two lines of text from the BOL or pointing the poster to the BOL so they can read it for themselves? I'd argue the latter. Askying why or what are the business requirements are flat out necessary for us to understand what's happening. It's far to easy to give people really bad advice when you have inadequate information. So, rather than load a gun, chamber a round and hand it to the poster, I ask them what they actually want to do and why they want to do it when I don't understand what's going on. Seems to make sense to me. As to posting links... I've written articles and books. I can try rewriting them inside the posts here, or I guess I could copy & paste them into here, or, hey, I know, I can take advantage of the internet and post a link. So when someone asks a basic quesstion on backups, I'll post a link to an article. It's efficient, not simply a way to get more points.
I agree that we need an "answered" method for any number of reasons, but since I'm fairly well acquainted with most of the top posters either in real life or in this virtual world, I can safely say that they're all sincerely trying to help out, not simply trying to increase the numbers of their posts.
Sincerely, if you think you can do better without asking why or posting a link to BOL or to an article... dive in there and provide meaningful help some other way. I love nothing better than a good education.
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
March 4, 2009 at 5:41 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
Please!!!!!!!I must confess, my that comment was with one of the poster with not all of you guys.
I observe that one such member is just looking for increase his posts number, I may be wrong, but can't help it, i felt that way. Please don't make me spell out his name.
Don't drag this conversion to personal level.
Most of the people who post here a lot do exactly what you said. I know I do. So, I might be exactly the guy you're talking about, and you did say it was a guy, so Gail's off the hook. It's hard not to take it personally. I'm trying to help. I don't post in forums where I'm clueless (look through the CLR forum, just as an example) and I don't post answers where I know nothing about the topic (find a place where I've answered any of the 10-20 posts a day on pivoting or Excel). I do post in places where I think I can contribute, but I do post with EXACTLY the stuff you're complaining about... in an attempt to help out. Again, if you can do it better, show me how it's done.
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
March 4, 2009 at 5:54 am
Mangal Pardeshi (3/4/2009)
dear Grant,Honestly I'm reading your name for the first time.
Hmm, then Mangle, perhaps you should read a few more posts. Grant's definitely one of the more active posters. He even writes articles.
How best to post your question[/url]
How to post performance problems[/url]
Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]
"stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 97 total)
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