Putting an aspx page onto the SSRS report server

  • Hi,

    I am new to using reporting services, and have set up a report server on my computer, which I can access to view my reports using the http:// /reportserver view. I am able to deploy rdl files and data sources to this without any problem, and am now starting to branch out a bit more with trying to use .aspx files and loading them onto this server, so that other people can access these reports as well as my SSRS reports when they are networked to my computer. I can't figure out how to do it, however, as the project I am using to deploy my reports and data sources doesn't allow for .aspx files to be imported into it.

    I tried finding the physical directory on my computer that related to the virtual one and placing the file in the folder there, but this didn't register with the server also, and I got a file not found. ploading the file via the reportserver interface also didn't work, as the page is opened as if it were an XML page.

    Does anyone know how I would be able to do this, or have a helpful link that I could follow?

    I am using Windows XP Pro, and therefore using IIS 5.1. My IDE is Visual Studio 2005.

    The aspx I am trying to load is currently a "basic hello world" one, as an example that I can do it before I extend things.


  • I think you are going about this backwards. I don't think that you can add anything to the default Reporting Services web site other than reports. If you want to integrate reports and other web pages you would create another web site and have links to your reports on that web site.

  • Ah ok thanks, I assumed there might be a way to deploy it through visual studio, so that it shows up in the same interface. I'll revise what I'm doing accordingly to account for this.

  • You could use the Visual Studio Reportviewer control to run SSRS reports in Asp.net and Winform in remote mode and you can use it to create none SSRS reports in local mode. The first link covers the version of the control and the second link is a tutorial of how to use the Web form version of it with SSRS. The video was for SSRS 2005 and VS2005.



    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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