Connection issue

  • Hello all it seems that the SQL server receives a lot of select statements coonections from an asp .net application but the packages that leave the SQL are malformed can that be an issue with SQL ? Or it is an issue with the network how can I prove that it is the network ?

  • I may be misguided on this, but I believe a server-side trace would help here; try this link:

    Server-Side Tracing

    I would recommend reading the article, and perhaps a few others on the subject of server-side tracing; by using a server-side trace, you can implement a low-impact means of monitoring specific events occurring on the server. In your case, you can monitor the queries used by the application, and determine their construction to see if they're faulty.

    For a quick rundown, use SQL Server Profiler to create a trace, stop the trace (File -> Stop Trace), then export it to a .sql file (File->Export->Script Trace Definition-> For SQL Server 2005/2008). Open the .sql in Management Studio, configure it as needed, and run the trace. Be sure to note the trace ID provided to you; you'll need to use that later to stop the trace through SQL (EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @traceid, @state for the basic statement).

    There may well be a more succint way of doing this, but this method has been my go-to for finding and fixing more than a few problems. Hope it helps!

    - 😀

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