September 16, 2013 at 7:12 am
I have a table witht he following structure.
EmpNo DutyId StartDate EndDate
101 01 2013-08-31 22:00:00 2013-09-01 06:00:00
The employee duty spanned between 2 months.
I want to split this into individual days and number of hours for each day.
For example,
101 01 2013-08-31 2 Hrs
101 01 2013-09-01 6 Hrs
How can I do this in single query?
September 16, 2013 at 8:07 am
The easiest way is to do it (at least for me) is with a UNION ALL or a CROSS APPLY "unpivot"
WITH Sample_Data(EmpNo, DutyId, StartDate, EndDate) AS(
CAST( '2013-08-31 22:00:00' AS datetime),
CAST( '2013-09-01 06:00:00' AS datetime))
SELECT EmpNo, DutyId, Value
FROM Sample_Data sd
CROSS APPLY( VALUES('Start', StartDate), ('End', EndDate))x(Description, Value);
WITH Sample_Data(EmpNo, DutyId, StartDate, EndDate) AS(
CAST( '2013-08-31 22:00:00' AS datetime),
CAST( '2013-09-01 06:00:00' AS datetime))
SELECT EmpNo, DutyId, StartDate
FROM Sample_Data sd
SELECT EmpNo, DutyId, EndDate
FROM Sample_Data sd;
September 16, 2013 at 8:11 am
Hi A2zwd
Try this:
,CAST(FLOOR(CAST([EndDate] as float)) as datetime) as NewDate
,DATEDIFF(hh,[EndDate],CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DATEADD(dd,1,[EndDate]) as float)) as datetime)) as Hrs
FROM [YourTable]
,CAST(FLOOR(CAST([StartDate] as float)) as datetime) as NewDate
,DATEDIFF(hh,CAST(FLOOR(CAST([StartDate] as float)) as datetime),[StartDate]) as Hrs
FROM [YourTable]
September 16, 2013 at 8:17 am
I wouldn't rely on the float conversion. Instead you could CAST as DATE and TIME. Those datatypes can give you just the information you need. Or a direct conversion to string data.
WITH Sample_Data(EmpNo, DutyId, StartDate, EndDate) AS(
CAST( '2013-08-31 22:00:00' AS datetime),
CAST( '2013-09-01 06:00:00' AS datetime))
SELECT EmpNo, DutyId, CAST( Value AS Date), CONVERT(char(2), Value, 8) + ' Hrs'
FROM Sample_Data sd
CROSS APPLY( VALUES('Start', StartDate), ('End', EndDate))x(Description, Value);
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