Urgent Help needed - change multiple columns width at the same time in 2008 SSR Visual Studio for a report

  • Dear friends,

    I have created a report with 200 columns in SSRS visual studio tool, now the cleint wants me to change the COLUMN WIDTH for all 200 columns to '20' but in SSRS 2008 Visual Studio , the Properties does not have a property to do this for all Columns at once instead I see a manula effort to drag the column width for each individual column one at a time .

    Hence would be much obliged if any expert suggestion on how to do this please?



  • just for fun, I tried editting the xml, seemed to have worked. Not sure how adviseable it is 🙂




    edit: I'm not an SSRS expert so feel free to ignore this post!

  • You can do a search and replace in the XML. As long as you don't mess with the schema and it's valid. In VS you can do a "view code" on the RDL to get the XML text, and changing in XML will change the GUI presentation of it as well. If the width value is the same doing a search and replace would probably be the easiest. Don't do a "Replace All" or you'll probably end up with a big headache.

    200 columns seems a lot for report. Doesn't seem very useful of a report if they have to look at 200 columns. It sounds more like something you'd do for extracting data into another system in which case an ETL package with SSIS would probably be better.

    Mike Hahn - MCSomething someday:-)
    Right way to ask for help!!
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  • To change the width of multiple columns in one go, the simplest way is to select all the target columns (by press & hold Shift or Ctrl button then click column/value cell)  ->  then press 'F4' to open the Properties window-pane  -> (under Size) expand "Width" change the width to desired numbers/units.  This is way straighter forward than updating the (fiddly) XML.

    I realise this is an old post but may help someone else.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  eddie.kumar.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  eddie.kumar.
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