think there is so much surrounding such a simple step. Thank you all for the input...I will have to play with this even more to find all the moving parts.
The good news is my entire idea behind the original post worked. We have all picked up a few new ways and perspectives to do a basic step...well, most of us have. Thanks to all who have added the information I didn't know at the beginning.
[font="Arial"]“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
- Albert Einstein
- Homer Simpson[/font]
Luis Cazares (8/6/2013)
Lowell (8/6/2013)
no, you should say "Because @@rowcount is affected by any commands in the session, it's my practice to re-select from the table in case there was a trigger that might returna different @@rowcount i might not expect."just blame force of habit to resolve rare edge cases like that.
You're partially right about this and is a good thing to know. However, I don't know how a table that was just created by a SELECT...INTO would have any triggers.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
jarid.lawson (8/6/2013)
I have a new position where I finally have the long sought after Sr. prefix included. Only time will tell if I truly deserve the prefix, but I believe that I can do the job. One of the things that is different about this position by comparison to my most recent projects / positions is a more formalized deployment / implementation process (THANK GOD FOR THIS!!! :-D). Part of this process is a code review with several other developers that are at least as good as I am...and in many cases better.I had my first code review today, and the only real issue anyone had with it (aside from learning naming conventions) involved a bit of code that I have used for years on end:
Select VariousFields
Into dbo.TestTable
From dbo.SourceTable(s)
Set @RecordCount =
(Select Count(TestTable_PrimaryKey)
From dbo.TestTable)
The code goes on to split the logic path based on @RecordCount = 0 vs. @RecordCount > 0. This is a section of code that I could have said I had down as well as tying my own shoes (there is a Ted Talks reference there, and this entire post lines up with it).
The conversation went something like this:
Other developer: Why did you use this code here?
Me: Because I was needing to split the logic path.
Other developer: Yes, I see that. What I mean was why didn't you use:
Select VariousFields
Into dbo.TestTable
From dbo.SourceTable(s)
Set @RecordCount = @@RowCount
Me: Because I had never heard of it, thought of it, or seen it before you just typed it.
This post is meant to remind not just me but everyone who reads this to look at those parts of our code that seem all but written in stone that we will use the same approach each time. Is there a better way to do what you're doing?
A small advantage in any area of life can sometimes be the difference between adequate results and all star results.
There's something else that you need to be aware of... although there are certain things that won't change the rowcount, you should get into the habit of never having any other code between the SELECT/INTO (or any other query) and the SET @Variable = @@ROWCOUNT.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
Sean Lange (8/6/2013)
If this was a QOTD I would have answered that the value of @@rowcount would be 1000. Interesting. Maybe I will have to do a little more digging and submit as a qotd soon.
Do that, it would make an interesting question.
(and one easy score for me, since I now know the answer. Moehahahahahaha :cool:)
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mister.magoo (8/6/2013)
Sean Lange (8/6/2013)
Lowell (8/6/2013)
no, you should say "Because @@rowcount is affected by any commands in the session, it's my practice to re-select from the table in case there was a trigger that might returna different @@rowcount i might not expect."just blame force of habit to resolve rare edge cases like that.
I read this post and thought the same thing. So I decided I should test my theory. It seems that @@rowcount returns the correct number at least in this simple test.
create table RowCountTest
id int
create trigger RowCountTestTrigger on RowCountTest after insert as
select top 1000 *
into #Something
from Tally
insert RowCountTest
select 1
select @@ROWCOUNT
If this was a QOTD I would have answered that the value of @@rowcount would be 1000. Interesting. Maybe I will have to do a little more digging and submit as a qotd soon.
An INSTEAD OF trigger can definitely result in @@rowcount being different to SELECT count(x) FROM ...
Same result changing this to an instead of trigger.
alter trigger RowCountTestTrigger on RowCountTest
instead of insert as
select top 1000 *
into #Something
from Tally
insert RowCountTest
select 1
select @@ROWCOUNT
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