Replication issue, blocked by another process and invalid article

  • Hello All

    well I have this weird issue, this is the layout

    3 servers, a publisher a distributor and a subscriptor

    all using sql server 2008 r2

    on the publisher there are two replications out of one database

    the first one always works fine, the second is failing while validating the snap view for two articles with these errors:

    [0%] The synchronization view for article 'table1' is invalid.

    [0%] The synchronization view for article 'table2' is invalid.

    Server MYSERVER, Level 13, State 51, Procedure sp_MSrepl_reinitsubscription, Line 603

    Transaction (Process ID 71) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1205)

    now, on that server I do not see any blocking

    and the replication agent just keeps trying and tryin until it finish,

    if I restart the replication it will work just fine the first time and then the issue is back

    I removed the articles from that and create a new replication with only those two moving the data to a new database on the subscriber and the error continues

    I already restarted all the services and nothing changes, no idea what to do now

    my issue is exactly the same that is happening here:

    but it was not solved....

    Please please help me, I really need this to start working

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