March 5, 2013 at 3:22 pm
I have a .sql file which is actualy the body of a stored procedure. The procedure containts characters like 'é, à, è...'. when i run the command:
invoke-sqlcmd -server "servername" -database "databasename" -inputfile "filename.sql" against MS SQLServer, the procedure is succesfully created, but in place of characters listed above I have a '?'.
As work around I found somthing like:
PS SQLSERVER:\>$server="servername"
PS SQLSERVER:\>$database="databasename"
PS SQLSERVER:\> $query=get-content -path "path_to_file..."
PS SQLSERVER:\> $connection=new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
PS SQLSERVER:\> $connection.ConnectionString="Server={0};Database={1};IntegratedSecurity=True" -f $server,$database
PS SQLSERVER:\> $command = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand($query, $connection)
PS SQLSERVER:\> $connection.Open()
PS SQLSERVER:\> $command.ExecuteScalar()
PS SQLSERVER:\>$connection.Close()
Now the troublesome characters are all in place, but the generated procedure is a loooooooong line.
Is there a way to make this right with SQLPS? Is there a option(like sqlcmd -u)for unicode files?
Thank you!
March 7, 2013 at 12:36 am
Update 3 The encoding of the file seems to be the key. Looking at [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText, the MSDN doc states it will only detect UTF-8 or UTF-32 encoding.
If I save the .sql file with UTF-8, using the -inputfile param [of Invoke-SqlCmd] works. You can choose UTF-8 when saving .sql file in SSMS...
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
March 7, 2013 at 7:10 am
Sorry, no good! It does exactly what i said in my post.
March 7, 2013 at 8:46 am
Sorry again, my mistake. Is working. Strage is that I did the same steps 2 days ago and it did not worked. Anyway here is the steps:
-copy the files in a new directory for test purpose and not loosing data. Save the files with UTF8 encoding option:
1. create new files(same files actually) with UTF8 encoding
PS SQLSERVER:\sql> foreach ($file in get-childitem -path "old path" | sort-object ascending)
>> {
>> try {
>> $content = get-content $file.fullname
>> $path = "new path" + $
>> $content | out-file -filepath $path -encoding UTF8 -force
>> "Creates the file: $file.fullname"
>> }
>> catch {
>> "Error at file creation: $"
>> }
Create the objects on SQL Server
2. Procedure generation - my .sql files are sql stored procedures, functions, views, etc...
PS SQLSERVER:\sql> foreach ($file in get-childitem -path "p:\Document\SVN\trunk
4G\DATABASE\db_objects\Socle\Bcm\" | sort-object ascending)
>> {
>> try {
>> invoke-sqlcmd -server "servername" -database "databasename" -inputfile $file.fullname
>> "Creation of tthe object: $file.fullname"
>> }
>> catch {
>> "Error on running file: $"
>> }
...and it worked like a dream. Thank you opc.three you have opened my eyes.
For me topic closed.
March 7, 2013 at 10:07 am
You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback.
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
October 21, 2020 at 8:23 pm
I posted a request to fix this at Microsoft's User Voice forum:
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