March 3, 2013 at 1:03 am
Alright, history first. I've got a bit of a mess I've inherited. Groups inheriting groups inheriting... you get the drift. Each of these groups have external attributes that also need to be considered, but I'm not at that point yet. Right now, I'm trying to get a collar on the group hierarchy itself. Antiques littered with obsoletes have caused a reality that the business is just creating new groups to avoid the pitfalls that any old group my bring up.
This is primarily because the vendor app can't find a good way to display the hierarchy to the users. Avoiding that entire discussion, I'm trying to build something that I can personally use to troubleshoot with, and eventually put into a position that my business users can troubleshoot themselves.
So, what's the deal? I've got 'n' level hierarchies in this mess with a theoretical lack of an upper bound. Realistically it's seven because the software will otherwise crap out but I don't trust the historicals. There's more than likely forgotten hierarchies stuffed in there somewhere. Add to this the hierarchy is NOT org-chart particular. A subgroup can belong to multiple parents. If anything this is similar to a Bill of Materials chart. IE: The wheels go on both cars and trucks, the wheels have multiple components, one of which is bolts, and bolts go all over the danged place. And you can't trust a particular component to always exist at a particular tier of the hierarchy.
My current intent is to build myself an XML document I can stuff into IE and collapse/expand/search nodes to figure out what all is affected when a particular group is selected. See, whenever you select one, it unrolls in the app to all underlying levels. So I need to be able to get a full node list of all the underlying pieces.
That XML is killing me, because it pivots EVERYTHING to be usable as a node tree. I'm hoping you guys can give me a bit of a hand.
First, some sample data to work with:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RecursiveGroupFinding') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #RecursiveGroupFinding
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#GroupList') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE #RecursiveGroupFinding
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_c_RecursiveGroupFinding ON #RecursiveGroupFinding (ParentID, ChildID)
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_c_GroupList ON #GroupList (GroupID)
VALUES ('Parent1'),('Parent2'),('Child1'),('Child2'),('Child3'),('SubChild1'),('Subchild2'),('Subchild3'),('Icing')
INSERT INTO #RecursiveGroupFinding
VALUES ( 1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3),(2,5), (3, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8), (6, 9), (7,9)
Simple enough, you get this as a result list:
g.GroupName AS Parent,
g2.GroupName AS Child
#RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
#GroupList AS g
ONgf.ParentID = g.GroupID
#GroupList AS g2
ONgf.ChildID = g2.GroupID
Now, the code I've got so far illustrates a few of the uglies I'm arguing with:
Tier1.GroupName AS T1GroupName,
Tier2.GroupName AS T2GroupName,
Tier3.GroupName AS T3GroupName,
Tier4.GroupName AS T4GroupName
#GroupList AS g
#RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
ONg.GroupID = gf.ChildID
gf.ChildID IS NULL
) AS RootLevel
OUTER APPLY (SELECT g.GroupID, g.GroupName
FROM #GroupList AS g
JOIN #RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
ONg.GroupID = gf.ChildID
WHERE gf.ParentID = RootLevel.GroupID
) AS Tier1
OUTER APPLY (SELECT g.GroupID, g.GroupName
FROM #GroupList AS g
JOIN #RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
ONg.GroupID = gf.ChildID
WHERE gf.ParentID = Tier1.GroupID
) AS Tier2
OUTER APPLY (SELECT g.GroupID, g.GroupName
FROM #GroupList AS g
JOIN #RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
ONg.GroupID = gf.ChildID
WHERE gf.ParentID = Tier2.GroupID
) AS Tier3
OUTER APPLY (SELECT g.GroupID, g.GroupName
FROM #GroupList AS g
JOIN #RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
ONg.GroupID = gf.ChildID
WHERE gf.ParentID = Tier3.GroupID
) AS Tier4
There are rCTE methods out there for BoM I can use but they 'stack' the results. Pivoting ends up looking like this. I'm not AGAINST a pivot per se, but the part I can't seem to kick is the results that look like this:
<RootLevel GroupName="Parent1">
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing">
<Tier4 />
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing">
<Tier4 />
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child2">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild3">
<Tier4 />
<RootLevel GroupName="Parent2">
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing">
<Tier4 />
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing">
<Tier4 />
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child3">
<Tier4 />
Please note all the extraneous tiers because of non-existant data but columns needing to exist.
"Craig, get to the question!!" Errr, yeah, sorry, rambling a bit. Was hoping as I typed this out the answer would come to me, but it hasn't. Here's what I'd like to do:
1) Turn the above node list into <Group>Parent1<Group>Child1</Group></Group> (etc...). Note this is impossible with named columns in the select list.
2) Make this n-tier recursion.
3) Remove extraneous tier levels.
4) Avoid my last recourse... recursive cursors.
The only solution I can see to this is nesting cursors via proc executions and passing a VARCHAR(MAX) around to build out the XML exactly as I want it.
I'm rather open to suggestions on avoiding that... Also, if my google-fu has just failed me utterly (Bill of Materials XML Node list being one of my search patterns) please point me in the right direction with a simple lmgtfy. I can find plenty of VB/C# code to get the result I want, but I can't find anything at the proc level and I'd rather not have to dump this entire tableset through the pipes to a front end for them to bubblesort (orwhatever) the records together to build the hierarchy... I'm also not that good at it and I don't have an app coder to spare.
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Twitter: @AnyWayDBA
March 3, 2013 at 12:01 pm
Kraig, I feel your pain: been there.
First, IMO BoM is a wrong model for this one: in BoM you can have the same element on several different levels. For example, you may use the 8 #13 bolts to assemble an automatic transmission, then you use another 8 of the same bolts to mate the transmission to the engine, and finally use 10 bolts to attach the assembly to the frame of the car.
This is not your case, I believe. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I would use CLR Integration and the power of XML LINQ to handle this, in a few lines of C# code. Not every SQLS installation allows that; if yours does, being in your shoes, I would go for it.
I can whip that code up for you. It might cost you a drink.
March 3, 2013 at 1:16 pm
Revenant (3/3/2013)
First, IMO BoM is a wrong model for this one: in BoM you can have the same element on several different levels. For example, you may use the 8 #13 bolts to assemble an automatic transmission, then you use another 8 of the same bolts to mate the transmission to the engine, and finally use 10 bolts to attach the assembly to the frame of the car.This is not your case, I believe. Please correct me if I am wrong.
In theory, you're right about BoM using the same component at multiple levels within the same hierarchy being inaccurate to this case. At something in the range of 60,000 actual hierarchies to review, I'm not sure yet.
I would use CLR Integration and the power of XML LINQ to handle this, in a few lines of C# code. Not every SQLS installation allows that; if yours does, being in your shoes, I would go for it.
I can whip that code up for you. It might cost you a drink.
Unfortunately, my current location doesn't have SQL CLR activated, nor do I have the political coin to attempt to push it through for a non business critical item. I appreciate the offer though Revenant. If I ever get up in your area though, I'll still stand you that drink, just to pick your brain and hang with another SSC'er.
Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.
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Twitter: @AnyWayDBA
March 3, 2013 at 1:34 pm
Hi Craig
I've had a go with your example data using the following and it appears to do what you require ... well the removing of empty tiers
I hope it works for you and I haven't messed up your requirement
;with rcte as (
select ParentId ID, null ParentID, 1 HLevel
,ParentID RootID
,null tier1ID
,null tier2ID
,null tier3ID
,null tier4ID
,null tier5ID
from #RecursiveGroupFinding gp
where not exists (select 1 from #RecursiveGroupFinding gc where gp.parentid = gc.childid)
group by gp.Parentid
union all
select gc.ChildID,, HLevel + 1
,RootID RootID
,case when hlevel = 1 then gc.ChildID else tier1ID end tier1ID
,case when hlevel = 2 then gc.ChildID else tier2ID end tier2ID
,case when hlevel = 3 then gc.ChildID else tier3ID end tier3ID
,case when hlevel = 4 then gc.ChildID else tier4ID end tier4ID
,case when hlevel = 5 then gc.ChildID else tier5ID end tier5ID
from #RecursiveGroupFinding gc
inner join rcte r on = gc.parentid
select Hlevel [tag], Case when HLevel - 1 = 0 then null else HLevel - 1 end [parent]
,case when Hlevel = 1 then GroupName else null end [RootLevel!1!GroupName]
,case when Hlevel = 2 then GroupName else null end [Tier1!2!T1GroupName]
,case when Hlevel = 3 then GroupName else null end [Tier2!3!T2GroupName]
,case when Hlevel = 4 then GroupName else null end [Tier3!4!T3GroupName]
,case when Hlevel = 5 then GroupName else null end [Tier4!5!T4GroupName]
,case when Hlevel = 5 then GroupName else null end [Tier5!6!T5GroupName]
from rcte r
inner join #GroupList g on = g.groupid
order by rootid, tier1ID, tier2ID, tier3ID, tier4ID, tier5ID
for xml explicit
Results with
<RootLevel GroupName="Parent1">
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child2">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild3" />
<RootLevel GroupName="Parent2">
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child1">
<Tier2 T2GroupName="SubChild1">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />
<Tier2 T2GroupName="Subchild2">
<Tier3 T3GroupName="Icing" />
<Tier1 T1GroupName="Child3" />
March 3, 2013 at 2:28 pm
mickyT (3/3/2013)
Hi CraigI've had a go with your example data using the following and it appears to do what you require ... well the removing of empty tiers
I hope it works for you and I haven't messed up your requirement
Heya Micky, thanks for posting and helping out. Nope, you've got #3 there licked, now I just need to figure out why explicit doesn't expose dead/NULL tier levels but auto does. Thanks, one more tool to help me nail this down.
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Twitter: @AnyWayDBA
March 4, 2013 at 9:15 am
if you use FOR XML RAW, you can also use the ELEMENTS and XSINIL clauses which should expose those other levels that you're looking for.
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes
March 6, 2013 at 3:36 am
Here's one approach. I adapted some code from another XML generation solution, and it might be a little messy. One difference is that here you have more of a many-to-many relationship, so nodes are duplicated where they have multiple parents.
Recursion is handled by a function which generates child nodes.
-- This SQL script drops and creates objects: only use in an empty test/development database.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[RecursiveGroupFinding]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [RecursiveGroupFinding]
CREATE TABLE RecursiveGroupFinding
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[GroupList]') AND type in (N'U'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[GroupList]
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_c_RecursiveGroupFinding ON RecursiveGroupFinding (ParentID, ChildID)
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX idx_c_GroupList ON GroupList (GroupID)
VALUES ('Parent1'),('Parent2'),('Child1'),('Child2'),('Child3'),('SubChild1'),('Subchild2'),('Subchild3'),('Icing')
INSERT INTO RecursiveGroupFinding
VALUES (NULL, 1), (NULL, 2), ( 1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3),(2,5), (3, 6), (3, 7), (4, 8), (6, 9), (7,9)
-- Function to create child nodes; uses recursion and a stopper.
--CREATE FUNCTION dbo.NodeBuilder2
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[NodeBuilder2]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
(@BelongsTo SMALLINT)
SET @Node =
(SELECT g2.GroupName AS '@Title', gf.ChildID AS '@ID', gf.ParentID AS '@ParentID',
WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RecursiveGroupFinding AS P2 WHERE P2.ChildID = gf.ParentID) > 0
THEN (SELECT dbo.NodeBuilder2(gf.ChildID))
FROM RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
GroupList AS g
ON gf.ParentID = g.GroupID
GroupList AS g2
ON gf.ChildID = g2.GroupID
WHERE gf.ParentID = @BelongsTo
-- XML builder, uses function to create child nodes.
WITH GroupParentChild
AS (
SELECT gf.ChildID, g2.GroupName, gf.ParentID
FROM RecursiveGroupFinding AS gf
GroupList AS g
ON gf.ParentID = g.GroupID
GroupList AS g2
ON gf.ChildID = g2.GroupID
P0.GroupName AS '@Title', P0.ChildID AS '@ID', P0.ParentID AS '@ParentID',
(SELECT dbo.NodeBuilder2(P0.ChildID))
FROM GroupParentChild AS P0
FOR XML PATH('Group'), TYPE, ROOT('Root')
I changed some of the code so that a group could have NULL parents, and since that could result in multiple top-parent groups, I put a Root element at the top.
The output should look like:
<Group Title="Parent1" ID="1">
<Group Title="Child1" ID="3" ParentID="1">
<Group Title="SubChild1" ID="6" ParentID="3">
<Group Title="Icing" ID="9" ParentID="6" />
<Group Title="Subchild2" ID="7" ParentID="3">
<Group Title="Icing" ID="9" ParentID="7" />
<Group Title="Child2" ID="4" ParentID="1">
<Group Title="Subchild3" ID="8" ParentID="4" />
<Group Title="Parent2" ID="2">
<Group Title="Child1" ID="3" ParentID="2">
<Group Title="SubChild1" ID="6" ParentID="3">
<Group Title="Icing" ID="9" ParentID="6" />
<Group Title="Subchild2" ID="7" ParentID="3">
<Group Title="Icing" ID="9" ParentID="7" />
<Group Title="Child3" ID="5" ParentID="2" />
March 6, 2013 at 12:27 pm
That looks awesome, and similar to where I was probably going to end up with self-referencing proc calls but this looks a lot cleaner.
Thank you for this. Once I get myself out of a rolling fireball at work I'll be able to test this out and modify it to my needs.
Thanks again.
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Twitter: @AnyWayDBA
March 6, 2013 at 2:52 pm
You are welcome, Evil Kraig F
I did notice I made a mistake in naming the ID attribute, since XML ID attributes are specially reserved and should have a value unique in the document. I would change the name of that attribute to "identifier" or something, not "ID".
March 12, 2013 at 4:58 pm
Not sure if you're still on this thread, Tavis, but that's a neat trick. May require some on the fly trickery to my base data to NULL, child the parents, but I can arrange that.
I like how the XML becomes like entity information in the outer XML wrappers. It avoids string manipulation to bury groups within groups.
However, this is a perfect start to what I need. Thanks again. Now I just need to go through it and modify it to work with the schema I actually have instead of the sample build I provided here.
Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.
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