Can't get Sp_create_plan_guide to execute successfully

  • Hi,

    I am not a DBA. We have a stored procedure used by our app that is using inefficient query plans. The sproc needs rebuilding and has been rebuilt for an up-coming hot-fix but we need an interim work-around (which cannot include altering the sproc). Re-indexing and updateStats works sporadically but not reliably.

    As a last resort I am attempting to use a Plan Guide to force the sproc to use a specific execution plan extracted from when the sproc was functioning well. If I alter the sproc and simply add the OPTION (USE PLAN N'<XML>') to the problematic statement, the sproc is altered successfully, the sproc runs efficiently and the application runs well again.

    However, if I use Sp_create_plan_guide, I keep getting the below error even with the exact same plan xml that works by altering the sproc:

    [font="Courier New"]Error detected at line 3: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ASC'


    I think it relates to this part of the plan (there are a few similar occurrences but this is the first)


    <ColumnReference Column="Expr1185" />

    <ScalarOperator ScalarString="CASE WHEN [@SortDirection]=N''ASC'' THEN [DataBaseName].[dbo].[Delegate].[DelegateIdentity] ELSE NULL END">




    <Compare CompareOp="EQ">



    <ColumnReference Column="@SortDirection" />




    <Const ConstValue="N''ASC''" />








    <ColumnReference Database="[DataBaseName]" Schema="[dbo]" Table="[Delegate]" Column="DelegateIdentity" />






    <Const ConstValue="NULL" />






    which relates to this part of the sproc


    CTE.LocationFullName ASC



    @SortDirection= N''ASC''







    @SortDirection<> N''ASC''





    However, if I go through and remove all the '' (2 single quotes) then it the error goes away but I get another error relating to another literal value in the script.

    If I change all occurrences of ''ASC'' to just ASC then the sproc Sp_create_plan_guide runs successfully and the plan guide is successfully mapped to the statement (as confirmed with profiler's PlanGuideSuccessful event). But, I am reluctant to use this in production because I have 'hacked' the xml plan which MS advise not to do.

    I am pretty sure the string I am passing to @hints is correct, that is, if I use PRINT with the same value it comes out as I would expect. However, I did exchange all single quotes for 2 x single quote in the plan xml that I retrieved from Profiler originally.

    Any advice or similar experiences? Let me know if you need the entire syntax I am using, it is quite large.

    Thanks in advance.

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