• Interests: SQL Server Performance and Code-Quality

Stairway to SQL Server Replication

Stairway to SQL Server Replication: Level 3 - Transactional Replication – The Publisher

The Publisher is the database where all
replicated data originates. Each Publisher can have multiple publications
defined within it. Each publication contains a set of articles that all need to
reside in a single database. Each article corresponds to all or part of a single
database object. A single database object can map to an article in more than one

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2023-01-04 (first published: )

12,197 reads

Stairway to SQL Server Replication

Stairway to SQL Server Replication: Level 2 - The Role of the Distributor

In this Stairway, Sebastian will be covering the details of SQL Server transactional and merge replication, from understanding the basic terminology and methodology of setting up replication, to describing how it works and how the basic replication processes can be monitored.

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2022-12-28 (first published: )

18,963 reads

Stairway to SQL Server Replication

Stairway to SQL Server Replication: Level 1 - Introduction to SQL Server Replication

In this Stairway, Sebastian will be covering the details of SQL Server transactional and merge replication, from understanding the basic terminology and methodology of setting up replication, to describing how it works and how the basic replication processes can be monitored.

5 (1)

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2019-08-14 (first published: )

38,035 reads

Stairway to SQL Server Replication

Stairway to SQL Server Replication: Level 4 - Transactional Replication – The Subscriber

The Subscriber is the server where all the changes that are published by replication get delivered to. Every publication needs to have at least one subscriber, but a publication can have many subscribers. This level assumes that you have followed the first three levels and that you have a publication set up, to which you can subscribe.

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SQLServerCentral Article

The Fundamentals of SQL Server Replication by Sebastian Meine

Many of my clients need to make data that lives on one server available on another server. There are many reasons for such a requirement. You might want to speed up cross-server queries by providing a local copy of the data. Or you might want to make the data available to resource intensive reporting queries without impacting the OLTP load, maybe even with an intentional delay so you're always reporting against complete days only. Finally, you might be looking to implement high availability. In all these situations, SQL Server Replication is a viable option to look at when planning for the implemen­tation of such a requirement.

2 (7)

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6,521 reads

Stairway to SQL Server Replication

Stairway to SQL Server Replication - Level 7: Merge Replication – Subscription

This level of the Stairway will cover the details of SQL Server transactional and merge replication, from understanding the basic terminology and methodology of setting up replication, to describing how it works and how the basic replication processes can be monitored.

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